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GearheadZ Open house party

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what date?  

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  1. 1. what date?

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Guest Removed

i need a poll with 2 dates and other.. either 5/21 or 5/28 and other


Got a better date post it here. these are the 2 dates im thinking of. im thinking of kicking it off @ 4 or 5 pm and going till when ever.

These dates will be pending the weather. push comes to shove ill wait till its closer to my birthday.

The girlie will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs maybe some brats. with all the fixings . I'll have pop and water on ice and so on.And maybe bring a potluck.

BYOB, but dont be leaving your bottles every where! i cant stand broken glass, or douche canoes! i would say NO beer but then 90% of CR wouldnt show..

If this does not go well, i will not do it again. i would like to do this a few times this year so dont fuck it up for every one.

Oh there is a kick ass mud running area out back with hill climbs and all that. so bring your quads and dirt bikes and so on and big old 4x4's.

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docs big party is around those times (weather permitting) ide push it back farther away


oh an disclaimer for the offroad spot...it is not legal to ride back there but i did all the time with only one mishap so be carefull...also deeeep deeeep ruts after a rain so if ur trucks not baller done even bother

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Guest Removed
Sounds like fun. Definitely my kind of grilling. I'd even bring the WRX and see how badly I can get it stuck. ;)


oh you will high center very easy..the small rutts are 2 feet deep.


i wanna do the hill climb on someones quad or dirt bike

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Guest Removed
Let me know when it is.. I feel the need to take a big stinky shit in your bathroom ;)


i can have 4 people shitting at once. yes i have that many bathrooms :D

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
i wanna do the hill climb on someones quad or dirt bike

Ummm no

i can have 4 people shitting at once. yes i have that many bathrooms :D


:rolleyes: You guys

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Guest tbutera2112
oh you will high center very easy..the small rutts are 2 feet deep.


i wanna do the hill climb on someones quad or dirt bike


fix mine and we can play!

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Guest Removed
Thursdays? I may just be there. Don't care which day.


my weekends in May are busy as fuck, so i'm good for either date really if its a thursday


opps i got the dates fucked up...they are suppose to be saturdays. not Thursdays..my bad. been a rough week.


23 or the 30th

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