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Stimulus package a damn joke!!!


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The so called stimulus package passed by house democrats is a joke. It will fix nothing. It will not create jobs. Only 12 cents of every dollar from the 800+ billion might actually stimulate the economy or create jobs. The rest of the money is nothing but earmarks and pork barrel spending. And I specifically remember Obama saying that he would end earmarks and frivilous government spending. I guess its not change we can beleive in after all. Read this link to find out more. http://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/stimulus_pork_spending/2009/01/29/176503.html

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  JRMMiii said:
Yea... your source isn't biased or anything -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NewsMax

A lot of people would say wilkipedia is biased. So who gives a shit. Facts are facts. Who cares where they come from. dont read the commentary just look at where the money is going. If you cant see it for yourself that its a do nothing stimulus package then I dont know how you are even smart enough to breathe. Let alone read or make educated decisions.

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The basic debate comes down to time. It's been shown that spending has produced about 150% return over the long term, where tax cuts produce somewhere around half that. Tax cuts have the benefit of having a shorter turn around though even if it is considerably lower. It's been a long time, but I'll see if I have anything still bookmarked on this when I get home.

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Anything other than CNN, NBC ,CBS is just so unbelievably biased. :bow:

I agree with the OP. Just imagine the interest that our great grandchildren are going to be paying back to China. The stimulus plan is not what they say it is. It's a spending plan. Big government here we come.

Hey I have an idea!! Why don't you give tax breaks to the small business and medium business so they can keep the employees they have. Instead of not hiring and laying off. Let the people have their money and do what they can with it to stimulate the economy. And if they screw it up don't bail their dumb a$$'s out!!

Thomas Jefferson "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."

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are you serious? Its like the trickle effect but they are stimulating the base not the top. You give people jobs, they spend money creating other jobs, its simple economics. Also who says they are all union workers? Also if you look at the layout of the stimulus plan Infrastructure was a huge part of bill that will be used for schools, buildings, etc.

with that said I'm not going to argue my point anymore.

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  Big Chief201 said:
You just quoted two extremely biased news sources. The stimulus package will work in specified targeted areas like construction.

No it wont. Go back to the great depression. Roosevelt tried the same thing. It didnt work then and it wont work now. The only thing that worked for Roosevelt was going to war. For that matter if you really do your homework you will find that Roosevelts efforts is why we had a "great" depression. The rest of the world ony had a depression. We were in a depression twice as long as the rest of the world because of everything Roosevelt did. The exact same things that Obama is trying to do now. Also who do you think these government employed construction workers are going to be. If your thinking anything besides illegal immigrants you need to have your head examined. How does employing a ton of illegals to build roads stimulate the economy? Explain that to me.

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  v65rider said:
How will the stimulus work in the construction area?

Once the jobs are compete what are we going to do with all of the newly hired union workers?

You have a good point. But I would like anyone to recall any large scale construction project funded by state or local government that actually finished on time and in budget! The RAILROAD? The infrastructure does need to have revamping and updating. The reality of it because I look at history is what they want to achieve is not going to be achieved with in the means of this bill. So we should expect more to come in the future and more debt for or children and our children' s children.:mad:

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  homewrecker said:
No it wont. Go back to the great depression. Roosevelt tried the same thing. It didnt work then and it wont work now. The only thing that worked for Roosevelt was going to war. For that matter if you really do your homework you will find that Roosevelts efforts is why we had a "great" depression. The rest of the world ony had a depression. We were in a depression twice as long as the rest of the world because of everything Roosevelt did. The exact same things that Obama is trying to do now. Also who do you think these government employed construction workers are going to be. If your thinking anything besides illegal immigrants you need to have your head examined. How does employing a ton of illegals to build roads stimulate the economy? Explain that to me.

Also If you want to get into a history lesson please tell me what happened to Germany and Austria after WWI.........

If you think our depression was "GRRRRRREAT" the Deutsche Mark was extremely devalued in an effort to F the other countries they owed "reparations" to. This caused mass inflation and therefore lead to the most devistating depression the world has ever seen.

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  homewrecker said:
A lot of people would say wilkipedia is biased. So who gives a shit. Facts are facts. Who cares where they come from. dont read the commentary just look at where the money is going. If you cant see it for yourself that its a do nothing stimulus package then I dont know how you are even smart enough to breathe. Let alone read or make educated decisions.

Do nothing stimulus package... Ok - you go ahead and keep eating off that plate of propaganda and BS from peon news people. I'm going to trust the worlds foremost leading economists who say this is a good idea. You think it's bunk - but they say it's too small if anything.


  Lost1888 said:
I agree with the OP. Just imagine the interest that our great grandchildren are going to be paying back to China. The stimulus plan is not what they say it is. It's a spending plan. Big government here we come.

Big proponent of balanced budgets and small government? You should vote Democrat.


  Lost1888 said:
Hey I have an idea!! Why don't you give tax breaks to the small business and medium business so they can keep the employees they have. Instead of not hiring and laying off. Let the people have their money and do what they can with it to stimulate the economy. And if they screw it up don't bail their dumb a$$'s out!!

That's part of Obama's stimulus - tax breaks... why didn't Bush do that? :confused:

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  xXcrbXx said:
No he did... it was just for the richest percent of the population, you know like top 5% or something like that....

+1 for 'getting it'

See how that "trickle down" worked... give rich people money and it'll trickle down to the rest of us - good call. Now we're in a recession.

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I disagree wholeheartedly with almost every angle they talk about with this shit.


Who cares where you spend it ?? If you pay off the banks with your credit cards, It helps the banks recover from poor lending practices. = helps the economy

If you spend it anywhere where they employ ANY american citizens = it helps the economy by keeping us employed!!!

why should the govenment WANT you to be irresponsible with it ? They don't realy !

Even if we spend it paying off credit card debt, eventualy we will justify buying more needless shit, because we are out of debt and the whole cycle will start again.

If they attach a contingincy that makes you pay off debt with it , then what about the responsible folks , who do pay thier bills ???

I was taxed 11,000 dollars last year in federal taxes alone !!! Fuck that, I;m single with NO KIDS sooooooo, I get less than 2,000 back. If i didn't own my own home, I'de be paying !!!

As cold as it sounds, Ifin your not a productive part of society, I KILL YOU !!!

I'm tired of feeding haph the city and sitting at home eating cereal and roman noodles.

Go ROB SOMEONE and earn your money, I'de have more respect for that !!!


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The other angle they talk shit about !!

Take from the rich and give to the poor ??? Fuckin stupid !!!

You think for one minuite, The buisness owners are gonna take a hit , = NOPE

they aren't going to accept one less dime in thier childrens trust funds.

All this will do is eliminate the middle class = stupid ! we are the only ones paying the taxes in full. WE MAKE THIS WORK !!!! NOT THE POOR< NOT THE RICH !!! The poor get tax breaks, the rich and people employing us gets tax breaks for exactly that.

What is happening is = Long term employee's are getting laid off for cheaper labor. Most All 401k plans aren't getting anything matched by the employer. Payed medical and dental insurance by the employer can't be afforded where the same company's have been able to for decades. even for exec's. Get that cobra why don't ya ?? Paid vacations are being cut out. Any and ALL long term encentives are being cut out, they sure don't want you working for them for 10 years and making good money.

Scare tactics don't work !!!!



Edited by Catman
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  JRMMiii said:

Big proponent of balanced budgets and small government? You should vote Democrat.

That's part of Obama's stimulus - tax breaks... why didn't Bush do that? :confused:

Democrats have always been big government!

Let's just examine what the Democrats are about to unleash on the public. Not only is Barack Obama about to spend $350 billion on TARP but he wants another $825 billion in stimulus money. These projects include roads, education, food stamps, real estate, alternative energy. The government is going to oversee all of them.

Now for the Bush crap you liberals keep running to!

Why Bush couldn't get much done-

Because Nancy Pelosi and her cronies vowed to stop anything Bush put before Congress and Senate! He had no chance once the House and Senate went majority Democrat. Just do a Google search on the vows of the Democrat's made during Bush's presidency. You will be reading for days on everything they vowed to stop. In their own words. The Partisan battle.

Next topic-

Why is it every time someone tries to voice their opinion about their concerns about the decisions and policies of the Obama Presidency someone has to start the whole Bush (Republican) Obama (Democrat) Argument?

It's really funny how you have stated in the past how you shouldn't give blind support for any politician. And some Americans are looking into the finer points of the stimulus plan and getting flak for it. So some of us don't trust the government to handle this properly and are investigating for ourselves and coming to the conclusion it hasn't worked in the past and isn't going to work in the future.

And the Next topic-

Then your going to tell the OP her link is politicaly biased. And you link CBS? You just don't seem to understand ALL NEWS is in SOME WAY Politicaly BIASED!! If they aren't for your guy you don't want anything to do with it! Go figure!

I'm done arguing this or any other political topic on this site. It will just go in circles! My fear is we will build up a false sense of security in the economic stimulus. Then it won't be able to sustain itself over any long period of time and we will be crashing again.


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  Lost1888 said:
Democrats have always been big government!

Let's just examine what the Democrats are about to unleash on the public. Not only is Barack Obama about to spend $350 billion on TARP but he wants another $825 billion in stimulus money. These projects include roads, education, food stamps, real estate, alternative energy. The government is going to oversee all of them.

Are you opposed to roads, education, food stamps, real estate, and alternative energy?

  Lost1888 said:
Now for the Bush crap you liberals keep running to!

Why Bush couldn't get much done-

Because Nancy Pelosi and her cronies vowed to stop anything Bush put before Congress and Senate! He had no chance once the House and Senate went majority Democrat.

Pelosi is the devil, got it. She and her group of liberal henchmen are completely responsible for 8 years of failed international and domestic policy. Right, right.

Even if I buy that, which I don't, because it's the Republicans that have the reputation for stalemating everything in Congress - the majority was Republican until 2006 - so Bush had 6 of 8 years and still was a lame duck. Explain that.

  Lost1888 said:
It's really funny how you have stated in the past how you shouldn't give blind support for any politician. And some Americans are looking into the finer points of the stimulus plan and getting flak for it. So some of us don't trust the government to handle this properly and are investigating for ourselves and coming to the conclusion it hasn't worked in the past and isn't going to work in the future.

How is that funny? I agree that blind support is failure. But this thing does have the 'partial' backing of a nobel prize winning economist and the administration is willing to listen to him and his ideas.

  Lost1888 said:
And the Next topic-

Then your going to tell the OP her link is politicaly biased. And you link CBS? You just don't seem to understand ALL NEWS is in SOME WAY Politicaly BIASED!! If they aren't for your guy you don't want anything to do with it! Go figure!

Not true. I just want hard facts and figures, I want interviews and correspondence with experts in their relative fields, and what they are saying when it's relevant to the information being discussed. I want information that's reported without opinion. I'd put a lot more clout in newsmax if they weren't a KNOWN biased site, and cross-linked articles or had citations to other unbiased sources. It's not difficult to weed through BS and FUD (thanks InyaAzz) versus actual information and news.

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