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This is fun to listen to


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This is awsome. Makes me feel like I am right at home.


How is this allowed? I thought this kinda thing was under heavy regulations.


Can't hand held and home base station scanners do the same thing? I have a really old scanner I can pick up cordless phone calls with it. I have a REALLY REALLY old radio that picks up radio from the weather channel, airplane to control tower, and police radio. The police radio is scrambled though on it. It sounds like an old atari 2600 video game.

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This is public information. Always has been. My dad has listened to a scanner every night since before I was born. If something was close, he would wake me up and we would take off to go see it.


Right, but I thought even scanners were illegal, or atleast without a license.

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I had a hand held scanner that I bought to listen to at Mid-Ohio. I used to listen to CPD all the time. This is much easier. Good find. :)




I just heard an ambulance out my window. I clicked over to the EMS channel and they were talking about that ambulance, crazy.

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