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that baby gate wont hold him...that shit wouldnt hold a chihuahua


the dogs were nice and just kept licking my hand. i love how it went from a small box to a baby gate to hold them in.


thats just to keep them at bay...trust me , if they want out they get out :o

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I believe he is part Cane Corso and Mastiff, he is the Craigslist Special...$50 joe. $50 for 160 pounds of dog...THAT'S 31 CENTS A POUND! Now, THAT is a Good Thing.


But, 50 pounds of Pedigree is $26 and lasts these two Bumble Hounds 2 weeks...


$26 divided by 50 pounds= 52 cents per pound


very, very interesting...


Pedigree...keep supporting my retirement checks....

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i was at my g/fs grandparents on easter and the neighbor came driving by w/ one of these (cane corso) in the front seat. she said the dog was only a year old and it was big as fuck. she got it to stop barking at my g/fs parents lab/mutt mix and i went to pet it and it about bit my hand off. luckily it was in the car and i have reflexes like a mongoose.
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the Cane Corso breed is not one to fuck around with. It was bread to fight gladiators in ancient Rome. I have a friend that trains dogs for CPD and he says these things are a hazard to anyone outside the family that it was socialized with. But all in all, pound for pound the best guard dog, period. (im getting one in June, the thing is going to be coming from a 120lb dad and a 153lb mom...its gonna be a big mother fucker)
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I want to see more picture of how big this dog is!


here is my 9 year old with them




he is around 150 plus pounds, she is pushing 120 at 1 1/2 years old



he is a big baby with his pack(us, and the cats) but if he see's someone in his zone, he lets you know he is there! Mark(allwheelslow) was at the shop today, and had some big fat dude with him. Dude was scared as shit of brutus. would not come within 5 feet of him.

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Guest tbutera2112
here is my 9 year old with them




he is around 150 plus pounds, she is pushing 120 at 1 1/2 years old



he is a big baby with his pack(us, and the cats) but if he see's someone in his zone, he lets you know he is there! Mark(allwheelslow) was at the shop today, and had some big fat dude with him. Dude was scared as shit of brutus. would not come within 5 feet of him.


sometimes he recognizes me and doesnt give me any problems, and other times he tries to eat me

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sometimes he recognizes me and doesnt give me any problems, and other times he tries to eat me


cause sometimes you look like a big pork chop to him :p

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here is my 9 year old with them




he is around 150 plus pounds, she is pushing 120 at 1 1/2 years old



he is a big baby with his pack(us, and the cats) but if he see's someone in his zone, he lets you know he is there! Mark(allwheelslow) was at the shop today, and had some big fat dude with him. Dude was scared as shit of brutus. would not come within 5 feet of him.


HAHA yeah Kenny is about 6'1ish and about 350-375 and was scared shitless of Brutus lmfao

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