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"H1N1 Flu"

Jizzle Juice

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So i was talking to guy and he made some really valid points on this "swine Flu"

He was telling me that there were 40 people in mexico who died then there were 1 case in the united states who died also. Now think the regular flu kills 36,000 people on average per year. Now what he was talking about is that the goverment released this stuff to the press and now its gotten out of control they cant get it back. He was talking that the goverment had did this to make the border from mexico to the U.S. alot stronger and reinforced. To me it makes sense. Reason i say that is because they were talking about stopping gun trafficing from mexico. So why not say that the regular flu is something else and record the deaths of those people and say its the "swine flu". There are different types of flu's say if you had it and your wife/GF you wouldnt have the same symptoms so to me it makes sense. The guy had more to say but im not a reporter with a pen and pad. I just thought id share and see what others think.

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incorrect, this is not the "swine Flu" It's a different flu. It's misleading. Morons are not eating pork now.....


This flu has genes of bird, pig, and human flu. OMG Don't eat Chicken or People!


You always ruin my fun :(


Telling me I cannot eat people,chicken or pork.

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I thought one of the key differences was that generally the "regular" flu kills mostly the elderly and very young, where as with H1N1, lots of healthy young people have died.


Though Im really not paying that much attention to it so ...

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I thought one of the key differences was that generally the "regular" flu kills mostly the elderly and very young, where as with H1N1, lots of healthy young people have died.


Though Im really not paying that much attention to it so ...


i think thats a big part, but as usual the media is just shitting all over it :o

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