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My New AR15 project is complete :)


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for when the cubans and russians invade. Its a good feeling when you know you have enough firepower to supply a small militia. :bangbang:





Other then the gun being cool , whats its practial use for this rifle? it seems if not in the military or special force or a police, the rifle is just made to look cool for civilians?


the same answer you get when you ask whats the practical use of having a fast car or even just a nice car or a good looking car.

because they are fun and they put a smile on our face.


and as far as one for home defense, when you see someone with a .22 or a purse pistol it doesn’t really instill fear into them.

Now if you walk into someone’s house and you see an AR or an AK pointed at you, you think ok

1) this guy probably knows what he is doing

2) this guy has 30 chances to fuck me up

3) even if I can get behind a wall or a door he can still hit me


FYI went shooting recently and the AK round will barely scratch ¼” steel at 150 yards the .30-06 however blew right threw :)


And if anyone with an AK plans to shoot rapid fire don’t buy WOLF ammo the enamel melts in the chamber from the high heat and it jams.

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I dunno just when I see somthing like this it prolly reminds me of this wannabe swat cop that I work with. I could just see him at home wearing all black wanting to raid some crack houses with some buddys. Just being in the marines before somthing like this does not seem practial with all the stuff on it. Its a very nice rifle tho you did a good job with it.
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1) this guy probably knows what he is doing

Have you been to a range lately? You'll see alot of AR's being handled by teens. I wouldn't say owning one automatically makes you an operator.


2) this guy has 30 chances to fuck me up

That's 30 rounds to send into everything but your target


3) even if I can get behind a wall or a door he can still hit me

It can hit your wife,kids,pets as well.


FYI went shooting recently and the AK round will barely scratch ¼” steel at 150 yards the .30-06 however blew right threw :)



And if anyone with an AK plans to shoot rapid fire don’t buy WOLF ammo the enamel melts in the chamber from the high heat and it jams.

Turn it sideways while you're at it.

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I dunno just when I see somthing like this it prolly reminds me of this wannabe swat cop that I work with. I could just see him at home wearing all black wanting to raid some crack houses with some buddys. Just being in the marines before somthing like this does not seem practial with all the stuff on it. Its a very nice rifle tho you did a good job with it.


It is for the same reason people drive corvettes instead of cavaliers. Same reason people swap in a RB25det, put on nice wheels... instead of just driving a stock 240sx.

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