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Who is the mod that gets his own thread in the kitchen tomorrow?


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Smart enough to know the only reason I'm on here. If it weren't for that one thing (and the unending begging from other members) I would not be on here.


Smart enough to know I'm not a 34 year old fuckup who has nothing better to do than fight with people 10 years younger on the internet.


I might not have anything better to do, but I'm not a bitch that goes home when it gets tough. The only thing you do here is argue and flame. Keep telling people to kill themselves, it's fucking cool ya know. BTW clearly you have nothing better to do right now either, that's ironic isn't it? Oh you don't see it.....

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just go to the main kitchen area..you should be able to see them. i can


Yes, Rob, I can see which threads have been closed. Everyone is saying we (Mods) have been closing Kitchen threads because we're afraid of offending people. I don't believe this, and if it is true, then the Mod or Admin needs to stop IMO.


Man, I am hungry.

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Guest Hal
I might not have anything better to do, but I'm not a bitch that goes home when it gets tough. The only thing you do here is argue and flame. Keep telling people to kill themselves, it's fucking cool ya know. BTW clearly you have nothing better to do right now either, that's ironic isn't it? Oh you don't see it.....


That makes no sense. I go home when I'm already there? Tough? What got tough?


Go look at my posts over the last couple months, you'll see very little arguing and flaming. I'm glad you can keep up with changing time so well. That's a great quality in a useless mod.


Clearly I have nothing better to do, you're right. I don't have to go back to OSU in 10 mins and then come back to work on my new house some more. I'm glad my break time could lend you so much enjoyment.


BTW, I appreciate you cementing my assertion that you are just an immature 34 year old waste of space. You have continued to prove your uselessness, thanks.

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Well I am pissed at everyone who is able to get out and enjoy life. You all can fuck off and suck a dick. I am in 24hr pain and I hate it. I want a cigarette and to be able to sleep for more than an hr at a time. Who ever dont like that fuck off, and if you dont like that than fuck off. I am miserable. Absolutely miserable.
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Don't act like you didn't get butt hurt on here and log off for a couple of months.


Oh you've changed..... The above looks like it.


You have a house? Neat


Thank you for proving to me that you are still a child that thinks material possessions make your maturity.

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Guest Removed
Yes, Rob, I can see which threads have been closed. Everyone is saying we (Mods) have been closing Kitchen threads because we're afraid of offending people. I don't believe this, and if it is true, then the Mod or Admin needs to stop IMO.


Man, I am hungry.


I only control the tech section...Like locking the scion pick up room i had going yesterday :rolleyes:.


I'm hungry too. About to order donatos

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I only control the tech section...Like locking the scion pick up room i had going yesterday :rolleyes:.


I'm hungry too. About to order donatos


i failed to see the pick up... but maybe i get them so often they go right over my head.

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Guest Removed
You picking up on Broad?:D


no the gahanna store delivers here, its right down morrison from me :D


why you want me to come pick you up?

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The computers in my store jus fucking died so I haz to use my blackberry to join this fun. Btw bb curve owns the iphone, sux don't it


What that it is out selling the iPhone? Not really I have my 3g, I like it. The curve will be short lived, in july when apple releases it's 3rd iPhone. We will get to see it the first week of June. And then next year if the iPhone is given to Verizon for their 4G network, forget about it......

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What that it is out selling the iPhone? Not really I have my 3g, I like it. The curve will be short lived, in july when apple releases it's 3rd iPhone. We will get to see it the first week of June. And then next year if the iPhone is given to Verizon for their 4G network, forget about it......




They don't just want 1 company to have the phone they are thinking about opening it up to all major carriers from what I've learned. I like my curve better than the storm but the storm does take a dump on the iphone 3g. Depends on how this next one comes out cuz the storm 2 comes out in the fall

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Truth is BB nor iPhone is going away, the competition is awesome. We as the consumer win. They keep pushing each other to out do the next piece of hardware. I have used a BB and they are nice. If they were not nobody would use it.


I will say this though, BB being on almost all the carriers and iPhone only on one, and the iPhone has been outselling BB for a while up until recently says a lot about the iPhone IMO. When the iPhone is sold on all carriers or at least the same ones as BB, then it will be a apples to apples comparison. I see alot of people switching, I may if it goes to verizon, and they don't fuck it up with all their bullshit.

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Let's take suggestions and assign odds! The Mods here are running amuck and enforcing the rules! The nerve of them. Which mod is tomorrows victim?


Here is my public service announcement for the day, if you have a problem with a mod, PM an Admin and make your complaint like an adult, when you start a rant in the kitchen you lose your credibility the minute you click "new thread" there. The more you know......


What if you're a mod who's angree with a member, does the same public service announcement still apply?

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Why don't we elect mods every year or 2. If we as a community think a mod is abusing their power then we don't re-elect. Power to the people?


Fuck the people




































android > *

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Guest tbutera2112
i think that is the issue


i see no pick ups in that thread either...i think youre the issue


im off to make a kitchen thread about you abusing your mod powers and how much the man is holding me down

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Pauls an idiot, your with tmobile stfu, ypour sidekick is the worst investment in a phone that you could make. Hince why its so cheap you dumbass


And yes if the iphone was on the same carrier as bb it would destroy all. The biggest knock I have on that phone, isn't the phone itself, but the comapny that services it. It has so much potential but with att services its a waste. Shit if verizon picks it up ill be the first one with it regardless.

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What if you're a mod who's angree with a member, does the same public service announcement still apply?


I'm not angry with a member, I asked what was wrong, I got no answer, I did all I can do and I will ignore it some more like I have in the past up until yesterday I guess. I just saw Jason's post about a Mod doing something to him and thought, hey it's not me today. That's why I started this.


And of course it applies. :D Who the fuck am I? I feel I'm a member here with a side job, that is all.

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Why don't we elect mods every year or 2. If we as a community think a mod is abusing their power then we don't re-elect. Power to the people?


Truth of the matter is, if there are any MODs here, unless they let you do what ever you want on here we will be abusing our power. It's all a matter of opinion and everyone's is different. I think Anthony wants people here that he knows are here everyday, and will put in the time and work that is required. And it does take time. I don't think you can be a "good" Mod and not login daily. I login sometimes just because I feel like I should, almost like work. I might as well have some fun or read some funny stuff while I am here right?

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