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junkies shit


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  gixxie750 said:
I dont have standards. That thing you quoted off the site is the same legal mumbo jumbo that every site has. If u have ever had a problem with someone you solve it with them and not there 5 buddies behind them correct? This is like a fight where all your buddies jump in to help because they cant controll themselfs once they see blood.

Dude you havent apologized to me in my eyes, you sit here and preach to us how great junkies are and how nice but yet on your own site you threaten me and my family drunk or not and its still there. I told you in the thread what I said was over the top for busting chops but you took it to a level way past normal. You can try and act all nice to me and say your good people down there but the bottom line for me, and me only, I dont want anything to do with any riders that associate with you and your group.

The rest of the people on either site can voice their opinions about it has nothing to do with me. I have a problem with you and the way you acted has now affected everyone from your group, granted I am sure this wont crush you but know that your actions as "president" affect the whole.

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Scmuck you did say your sorry for it being over the line. Like i said this isnt the only time you or others went over the line with the name calling and childish crap you and other members pull. Untill now i only thought it was just a minority of you and now your own president is in on it. I dont moderatete my forum because its just a forum! I dont need people telling me what i can and cant say and therefore i wont moderate others. If you can read i didnt threaten your family i said F*K you and F*k them. You act like I have a hit out on you and your family and thats just paranoid as hell. If nothing else Many have learned who are the people to watch out for and the ones that want Drama.

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If I didn't want to be fucked by someone, and my family had no desire to be fucked by that same someone... that's not threatening? Anal rape isn't a threat?

Maybe I'm just too literal, but in lieu of anal rape, I'd rather take the egging. :D

Edited by JRMMiii
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  gixxie750 said:
Scmuck you did say your sorry for it being over the line. Like i said this isnt the only time you or others went over the line with the name calling and childish crap you and other members pull. Untill now i only thought it was just a minority of you and now your own president is in on it. I dont moderatete my forum because its just a forum! I dont need people telling me what i can and cant say and therefore i wont moderate others. If you can read i didnt threaten your family i said F*K you and F*k them. You act like I have a hit out on you and your family and thats just paranoid as hell. If nothing else Many have learned who are the people to watch out for and the ones that want Drama.

C'mon man, I know there isnt a hit out on my family but you made a threat against my home which contains my family, thats just uncalled for on so many levels. I bust your groups chops, yes, and I will admit that up and down but I never took it any farther than ball busting. I speak for myself and what you did was way up the ladder on what you would do but your true colors shown through.

I told Ben that there was going to be some things said on his site so he took it upon himself to find out what was going on. He decided to make this thread and let everyone know why you and I are going at it, its not like he is apart of some conspiracy that you think is going on, which is also paranioa. Maybe you should take some notes from him and why his site is larger than yours.

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Im still crackin up at the tags this thread has...

I personally wouldnt feel threatened by eggs... especially an e-threat about e-eggs...I dunno, do virtual eggs hurt more?

dude apologized...

hes not a bad guy...

let it go ppl...

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he could of put assfault junkies and not asshat junkies. His forum is for all of ohio and our is for cincy. Is this about penis size again? You want an omlet i'm makeing one and i'm on my last egg.... So constanly being a jack ass to me is fine? Bust my balls all you want,but mess with the junkies is like messing with my family. You started all shit that has ever been said. You are involved in every way to how this started. I have no problems with ohio riders as a whole,but i cant believe they have a prob with us????

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you are looing for a fight. thats why you egg it on constantly. Then when someone says something you few act like your schocked that we would say something like that. The thing is we are all suposed to be a family. Instead it seems like the hells angles and the Mongles type of thing and its not because of us.

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  gixxie750 said:
he could of put assfault junkies and not asshat junkies. His forum is for all of ohio and our is for cincy. Is this about penis size again? You want an omlet i'm makeing one and i'm on my last egg.... So constanly being a jack ass to me is fine? Bust my balls all you want,but mess with the junkies is like messing with my family. You started all shit that has ever been said. You are involved in every way to how this started. I have no problems with ohio riders as a whole,but i cant believe they have a prob with us????

I can speak for anyone else but I have issues with you and your "family" because of the way you act. Ben does what he wants I have no control over him, why dont you PM him and figure that all out.

When did I say I wasnt apart of this? I am man enough to say what I did and ill stand by my actions and admit if its wrong or not. I havent started everything, trust me.

I cant say weather you have a problem with OR ornot but it sure seems like you do, I mean all I ever see you doing is using someone elses siteto promote yours. SO why dont you act like the rest of the sponsors and pay for the advertisement.

  Dave said:
dude apologized...

hes not a bad guy...

let it go ppl...

I dont feel like he has and at this point I wouldnt beleive he was God with the way he acts

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  gixxie750 said:
you are looing for a fight. thats why you egg it on constantly. Then when someone says something you few act like your schocked that we would say something like that. The thing is we are all suposed to be a family. Instead it seems like the hells angles and the Mongles type of thing and its not because of us.

"you few" as in a "minority of them are little bitches"?

Not looking for a fight, just repeating what you said about defending the members of your site. This part right here....

but mess with the junkies is like messing with my family

It goes both ways. ;)

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