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junkies shit


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This shit is stupid, and some of you are really twisting things up. I'm most positive evryone is over the age of 7 here so start acting like it. I'm with jerm on this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLlkeqEj9sk

If you did not watch all of the last vid, Please watch all of this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLDbGqJ2KYk

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Ok this is crazy....316 posts about something the Junkies did...I was in St. Louis and apparently missed something major...

Can we get a page 8/ 316 post cliff notes version to bring me (and maybe some others) up to speed so I don't have to read through 8 pages of garble?

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Ok this is crazy....316 posts about something the Junkies did...I was in St. Louis and apparently missed something major...

Can we get a page 8/ 316 post cliff notes version to bring me (and maybe some others) up to speed so I don't have to read through 8 pages of garble?

sure...heres a summary... schmuckers made a post here about buying a Junkies shirt and then burning it..

Gixxie750 made a thread on his forum, assfault-junkies.. about being pissed off that someone would disrespect him in that way, and said he wanted to egg his house... he said F-U to schmuckers and his family, to which schmuckers took as a direct threat of violence towards him and his family and then Casper made this thread which is a response to the one Gixxie made at Assfault-junkies... and then this thread and its many pages of immature banter are the result.

Gixxie has apologized for what he said...he was drunk when he posted it.. many ppl have seemingly ignored his apologies and continued to egg on the subject... which is why this thread got so big...

e-mud was slung... an e-egg was thrown... e-feelings were hurt... and too many people totally missed the "e" part and are taking everything literally and completely out of context, and thinking this is real life.

So, overall...a lame ass thread that should have never been made IMO.

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sure...heres a summary... schmuckers made a post here about buying a Junkies shirt and then burning it..

Gixxie750 made a thread on his forum, assfault-junkies.. about being pissed off that someone would disrespect him in that way, and said he wanted to egg his house... he said F-U to schmuckers and his family, to which schmuckers took as a direct threat of violence towards him and his family and then Casper made this thread which is a response to the one Gixxie made at Assfault-junkies... and then this thread and its many pages of immature banter are the result.

Gixxie has apologized for what he said...he was drunk when he posted it.. many ppl have seemingly ignored his apologies and continued to egg on the subject... which is why this thread got so big...

e-mud was slung... an e-egg was thrown... e-feelings were hurt... and too many people totally missed the "e" part and are taking everything literally and completely out of context, and thinking this is real life.

So, overall...a lame ass thread that should have never been made IMO.

Im glad your appointing yourself moderator of this when you have have absolutely nothing to do with it. As far as the thread goes only 2 pages of it is actual conversation between me a gixxie and the rest is stupid BS from others that are bored and feel the need post whore.

You cant actually tell me that him asking people to find MY address isnt something "real" world and not on the net? The blind following from your side is tremendous, kudos to you folks but I cant log onto assfaultjunkies and defend myself on any of their threads and I can only imagine were this has gone over there.

From this point I dont have the time to worry about this childish crap, I am too busy helping others getting thier bikes ready and getting two of my own setup. Bottom line is I went too far with my comment and it exploded into threats of egging and a request for an address which is too much in my book. I cant change everyones opinion and arguing with some of you is like arguing with my 10 year old sister. I wash my hands of this and move forward, but dont think if my name comes out of your mouths I wont defend myself

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Bottom line is I went too far with my comment and it exploded into threats of egging and a request for an address which is too much in my book.

Just like Jeremi & some others have said they don't feel Brandon needs to apologize anymore Mike.....I don't think you need to either for wanting to burn a T-shirt you would've bought & paid for in advance

It's not like you were wanting to burn it while it was still on a person :rolleyes:

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It has been made very clear to me that Casper does not want anything to do with me nor my riding group assfault junkies. I have always been a supporter of this site and i have donated cash money to make it better. Casper seems to think we are all squids and he must know everything because thats how he comes off. I wrote him PM's trying to solve our problems,but he wouldnt give me the time of day. Our group will only get bigger and better and i will focus 100% of my free time to helping and incouraging new and old riders. I am not going to totally leave this site,but i will not be an avid member anymore. I have my eye on a couple threads i want to stay tuned to,but thats just because of the friendships i have with people on here. Everyone stay safe and keep the shiney side up and if you want to hit the track or race come over to our site and i will help you out. Ps its now a v-bulliton site




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For the record if anyone cares:

So are we going to talk about this?
What's there to talk about?

Oh, and I deleted your assfault junkies group. We already have a track day group and we already have a Cincinnati group.

Well i thought we would talk about all the shit going on here on ohio riders. Its cool though man. I will remember this in the next couple years when you guys need help.....

You just don't get it. Public, sincere apology on both sites, and retraction of your first post on assfault junkies, and the problem is gone. Until then, you're not welcome here dude.

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It has been made very clear to me that Casper does not want anything to do with me nor my riding group assfault junkies. I have always been a supporter of this site and i have donated cash money to make it better. Casper seems to think we are all squids and he must know everything because thats how he comes off. I wrote him PM's trying to solve our problems,but he wouldnt give me the time of day. Our group will only get bigger and better and i will focus 100% of my free time to helping and incouraging new and old riders. I am not going to totally leave this site,but i will not be an avid member anymore. I have my eye on a couple threads i want to stay tuned to,but thats just because of the friendships i have with people on here. Everyone stay safe and keep the shiney side up and if you want to hit the track or race come over to our site and i will help you out. Ps its now a v-bulliton site




Oh yeah, and why are you saying goodbye but saying you're not leaving the site? If you're saying goodbye, then leave.

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oh my gosh people high school was like sooo last year.

brandon is "leaving" meaning you wont be seeing him around much, if any. Yet he will still continue to be a member on here so that he can keep in touch with the friends he has made through this forum.

was that so hard?

ben--you are a cool guy and i respect you and all the work put into this site, but seriously why post the PM's? there's no need. he's an ass for making those statements, just leave it be.

now make this high school drama bullshit go away.

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oh my gosh people high school was like sooo last year.

brandon is "leaving" meaning you wont be seeing him around much, if any. Yet he will still continue to be a member on here so that he can keep in touch with the friends he has made through this forum.

was that so hard?

ben--you are a cool guy and i respect you and all the work put into this site, but seriously why post the PM's? there's no need. he's an ass for making those statements, just leave it be.

now make this high school drama bullshit go away.

He wants to call me out, I'll throw the facts up there. He said he tried to make it right with me and tried to work it out. I posted the proof. :confused:

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I sent you this when it all went down!

So i guess you dont want us to be part of your group? i understand on what just happend that its not cool,but to call us asshat junkies is uncalled for and i dont understand what your problem with us is. If you dont like me posting stuff about our group on ur site then let me know. I asked for your help in the past and will need it in the future as we are both trying to organize and operate MC groups. You and i have never met and maybe i will have to make a special trip up to you so we can meet this summer. We all should work together to improve our situation between our groups. When people talk about burning our shirts thats over the line and i'm not going to take that crap sober or drunk! I went too far with my statement,but I did have good reason to snap. I know you dont aprove of the way i run my site,but its the way i want it ran and I will run it that way like you run yours the way you want. Just looking for some feedback from you considering you and i have allot of the weight on our shoulders.

The second e-mail is where you started you post. I tried..... PM sent also

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