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would you rather be sad and rich, or happy and poor?


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If life were so simple that it could be condensed in such a way I'd choose happy and poor, which of course it cannot be, so I'm wondering the significance of the question besides satisfying some odd, psycho-analytical curiosity. Though that's hardly your fault.


I wonder if this is an exercise in how people answer questions, and not really about the question itself. Such as whether or not folks can answer the question directly, without injecting some pompous rant about ...



Oh ... whoops.

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so basically i should change my question to: do you think money can buy happiness?


If you have enough to buy a handful of Italian cars and a garage to store them in then yes and a large house then yes.


Rich gets my vote I can be a hermit. It is all good.

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More money very rarely changes anyone positively. That said, losing money can have a profound effect on your being. It is possible to go from rich and sad to happy and poor, but not as likely to go from poor and sad to rich and happy. More money will most likely amplify the things that made you sad wen you were poor.
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this seems to be a bad question bc everyone is answering the same way!

you asked it

I'll bite.....



I'd rather be rich and sad. No problems with that what-so-ever.No qualms, not a shot.


Money can buy happiness, i am a firm believer in that, no joke.

im with you on this

so basically i should change my question to: do you think money can buy happiness?


yes it can. but can bring more issue with it

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rich and sad.


those who say money cant buy happiness, dont fucking have it.

see the smile on my face, ear to fucking ear.



money buys happiness.

ive seen it.

but if your money doesnt buy you happiness doesnt mean it wont buy me happiness.

so, i will take your share.

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this costs money....




i'd rather be rich and unhappy.....






i'd rather have a cheater of a wife (and go bang random broads)

i'd have a hellacious childhood (and fly to vegas for the weekend to escape from reality)n 80 foot yacht)

i'd have a terrible home life (but my second home would be a

i'd have backsabbing friends (and buy the bar out and make new ones every night)

i'd rather have emotional damage (and sorround myself with party animal friends and blow money)

i'd rather be clinically depressed (then i'd take up "speedballing" and rush my feelings away)



yeah, if i were rich i'd be so fucked up, i'd never be sober (not in a braggin sense)... i'd probably become a drug lord and wear all linen... like this guy...



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Rich and Sad. Why? Because Sad can be fixed with time, treatment and training ones self. That's much easier than making ones self rich. Some will debate that, but the reality is for the average American, becoming rich isn't easy for them. Not as easy as achieving happiness.


IMO, it all boils down to attitude. Money can't necessarily buy happiness but it can releave lots of stress. However, I will say that no matter what my household income has been, there's always been some level of stress, unhappiness at times and pure delight too. Balance and putting priorities in order is key.


Me....give me rich and sad. I can work out the sad. However, if you're happy, one could interpret that as being rich. I mean happy is happy. If one can appreciate and enjoy what they have regardless of W2's, then I say they are rich be a perhaps a slight different definition.

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Sad and rich. If the only way to be rich according to this question is to be emo and miserable, then at least my family and friends will enjoy all the money I've got, even if i'm busy crying in the corner helping myself to another piece of cheese cake.


too much dumb in this thread.



now that statement is true.

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