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Lawmakers Debate Raising Speed Limit To 70 MPH


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It will help becasue if you get caught doing 80mph you're only 10 miles over and not 15, which I think means the ticket won't cost you so much... But I'm probably wrong. :(


IMO, at 70mph I would likely do 77-78mph and not worry as there wouldn't be anything but a fine. I don't care so much about the money as I do the points that raise insurance and take years to drop off.


I wouldn't say for sure I'd drive that fast as it will depend on those around me because if they are all going slow, it would then not only make me stand out, but then it would also be a bit more dangerous. I don't need another person jumping out in front of me to test my reactions and braking ability.

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Guest tbutera2112
I should've been more specific I suppose. People that watch the speed limits generally do so to avoid getting hassled. Most of those people, such as Tyler and yourself, "speed" within a small MPH of the posted limit, in essence "not really speeding at all" to most cops out there, unless they're being dicks that day.


My comment was more directed at people that actually speed, such as myself, regularly 15 or so over the limit (well when I'm by myself anyway). If the speed limit goes up 5mph, it doesn't really effect us, I will still continue to do so, but I'm not going to specifically add 5mph to the 85 I was doing just cause the limit got raised.


I'm all for 70mph limits though.


i used to go 100+ everywhere i went on the freeways...after losing my license twice, i like to keep it to 5-7 over lol

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I will say that it's ironic that while everyone is stressing "going green", cutting down on oil consumption, that we are pushing the public to travel at speeds where mpgs drop. I know in my MS3 in 6th gear on level road at 72mph and 2800rpm, I can average 28mpg according to the computer. If I drop that to 60mph, it jumps to like 39mpg. In fact one time driving mainly on 55mph back roads I reset the computer and stayed under 60mph and averaged nearly 40mpg the whole way.


The truth is that there really aren't that many people who really care about the whole green movement, as much as people bitching about the price of gas. Once the price dropped, nobody cared any more. Which is why I don't mind driving a pickup that gets 12 MPG :)

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I typically go 7-8mph over the speedlimit on the hwy,so a 70mph speed limit justmeans I get places faster,which is nice because I drive an hour round trip morning and night.
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I dont see it changing, the state has very little money and replacing all of those speed limit sign would be costly, also if a 65mph get changed to 70mph the 60mphs will prob become 65 and the 55s 60.... also if every one is already doing 70+ and cops can write more tickets this way.. they will probably leave it as it is now.


just my opinion...

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The truth is that there really aren't that many people who really care about the whole green movement, as much as people bitching about the price of gas. Once the price dropped, nobody cared any more. Which is why I don't mind driving a pickup that gets 12 MPG :)


It's more about the irony in Gov't and leadership that make everyone "think" they really care when in reality no one really does. WIIFM is how I see it. I only buy CF Bulbs because they save me money over time, not because they use less power. Same with my car. I went from 12mpg to 24mpg daily with just as much if not more performance not because it saves the world.


It's just funny to see speed limit issues like this come up and then the very next day the news is talking about CAFE Standards and our Dependence on oil.

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