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Choosing a Career / Profession


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I like this article. I can honestly say, I wish I had gone to a Tech school. I didn't because "no college would accept me" if I went to one. Eventually I wound up in the PC field. I worked the PC/Networking field for 12 years. I got the opportunity to work in a growing field. I got to use my knowledge and experience to solve puzzles, build elaborate networks, and do all sorts of challenging things. I enjoyed using computers and got to work with them every day. I even got to do this at a GAMING center for a number of years.


Now, I deliver auto parts to garages.


I've *never* been happier or more content.


I've come to the conclusion that the point of work is so that I can afford to do the things I want. If I can't do the things I want because I'm working 60 hours a week, or I'm too stressed out, then there's no point to the job. What's the point to working your ass off your whole life, trying to impress someone who thinks you're just a cog, and finally end up too old to appreciate all that work?


And "challenging" work? Why does work have to be challenging? You can find all sorts of challenging things to do when you're not working, AND they'll be more enjoyable to do.


Do your job

Get paid

Have fun

Die happy


Apply the KISS principle to life.

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I like this article. I can honestly say, I wish I had gone to a Tech school. I didn't because "no college would accept me" if I went to one. Eventually I wound up in the PC field. I worked the PC/Networking field for 12 years. I got the opportunity to work in a growing field. I got to use my knowledge and experience to solve puzzles, build elaborate networks, and do all sorts of challenging things. I enjoyed using computers and got to work with them every day. I even got to do this at a GAMING center for a number of years.


Now, I deliver auto parts to garages.


I've *never* been happier or more content.


I've come to the conclusion that the point of work is so that I can afford to do the things I want. If I can't do the things I want because I'm working 60 hours a week, or I'm too stressed out, then there's no point to the job. What's the point to working your ass off your whole life, trying to impress someone who thinks you're just a cog, and finally end up too old to appreciate all that work?


And "challenging" work? Why does work have to be challenging? You can find all sorts of challenging things to do when you're not working, AND they'll be more enjoyable to do.


Do your job

Get paid

Have fun

Die happy


Apply the KISS principle to life.


Your life sounds like mine. I did the computer nerd thing for awhile, but found that I'd rather do a job which pays me for my toys and is easy enough to do everyday.


So I found Copier repair:-) Basically I drive around all day cleaning out toner messes and showing people how to set their paper sizes correctly so it will stop jamming. Pretty easy, I'm by myself 99% of the time, and I get money to enjoy life and challenge myself in other ways other than by working to make someone else rich.

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A job I really enjoyed was a warehouse job. I printed shipping labels and put boxes on skids all day. My back didn't like the bending all the time (boxes weren't heavy) and the pay wasn't great, but as far as enjoyment I loved it. Nothing to take home each night and worry about. I just ignore other employees/managers and do my job and it was great.
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Then you would have the "job" of spending all the money and dealing with people coming out of the woodwork asking you for money.Working at an auto parts store is where its at,you can BS about cars all day not have to work on them and still get paid.
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I don't know who said it, but it goes soemthing like

"Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life!"

Surely a bit of oversimplification. If it were only that easy.



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I like this article. I can honestly say, I wish I had gone to a Tech school. I didn't because "no college would accept me" if I went to one. Eventually I wound up in the PC field. I worked the PC/Networking field for 12 years. I got the opportunity to work in a growing field. I got to use my knowledge and experience to solve puzzles, build elaborate networks, and do all sorts of challenging things. I enjoyed using computers and got to work with them every day. I even got to do this at a GAMING center for a number of years.


Now, I deliver auto parts to garages.


I've *never* been happier or more content.


I've come to the conclusion that the point of work is so that I can afford to do the things I want. If I can't do the things I want because I'm working 60 hours a week, or I'm too stressed out, then there's no point to the job. What's the point to working your ass off your whole life, trying to impress someone who thinks you're just a cog, and finally end up too old to appreciate all that work?


And "challenging" work? Why does work have to be challenging? You can find all sorts of challenging things to do when you're not working, AND they'll be more enjoyable to do.


Do your job

Get paid

Have fun

Die happy


Apply the KISS principle to life.


Very well put. I was just thinking the same thing the other day. Would you rather make $100,000 plus per year working 50-60 hours a week in a stressful environment or would you rather make $30-40,000 a year working 35-40 hours a week?

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Very well put. I was just thinking the same thing the other day. Would you rather make $100,000 plus per year working 50-60 hours a week in a stressful environment or would you rather make $30-40,000 a year working 35-40 hours a week?


The problem is that you might be happy at work and it might be easy, but only making 30-40k would put a huge financial stress on you at home. Living paycheck to paycheck with no savings, etc... Especially if you have a family.


A stressful enviroment can still be very rewarding.

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good read. Love my job and the only downside to having to get a Masters to get here are the damn loan payments. w/o those id be incredibly comfortable. Props to those who can find the same w/o dealing with the damn drawbacks
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I like my job now... I like what I do in the military... but I cant see doing this the rest of my life... I work 45 hours a week. But with this I have no life... I work 5am-2pm Wed-Sunday so I like to try to come out to meets but cant stay late. I realized a couple years back that I am NOT going to be a millionaire and will probably never own multi million dollar home. I would be happy paycheck to paycheck. But I want it to be around things I love like working in a auto shop, someplace when I have a family I dont hae to miss sporting events, birthdays, holidays... because we all know that I dont get those days off in the military...


But I guess this place is not the place to cry my feelings out... I am going to go search the net for a job.. Im done...

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I've come to the conclusion that the point of work is so that I can afford to do the things I want. If I can't do the things I want because I'm working 60 hours a week, or I'm too stressed out, then there's no point to the job. What's the point to working your ass off your whole life, trying to impress someone who thinks you're just a cog, and finally end up too old to appreciate all that work?


And "challenging" work? Why does work have to be challenging? You can find all sorts of challenging things to do when you're not working, AND they'll be more enjoyable to do.


Do your job

Get paid

Have fun

Die happy


Apply the KISS principle to life.



you sir have the same great work philosophy as I :thumbup:

i work to live......i do not live to work!




I hate having a job. If I got paid to be a porn star, I would start hating sex simply because somebody is forcing me to do it so I can have money. The only job in life that will ever make me happy is winning the lottery and not having one.


there is much truth for me here as well :thumbup:

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