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I need a badass bathroom fan


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You can pull the trim down off of the exhaust fan and check to see if the flap is opening to exhaust the air.


If for some reason its not working because its not getting power thats something else but if you hear it running it has power.


If in fact it doesnt have power let me know...

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Thanks for the link....I like this one, it says it moves 100cfm more than the one I've got now,and is over 5 sones quieter, whatever that means,price ain't bad either....




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haha, bastard. I know its really pissing me off.


I think it might also have to do with the fact that there is a soffet dividing the shower from the bathroom and so I think all the hot air gets trapped in there, when the vent is in the middle of the actual bathroom and not over the shower.


So I'm thinking of either adding another fan IN the shower, or ripping the soffet out...hmm.


That might be the case. If you still have the first on you purchased you can just cut it in closer to the shower but not over it and then just tie in power from first fan or switch it seperate.

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It definitely has power, I hear the little whirr and the lights work fine, but i'll check the flap, thanks


And a soffet is hard to explain,most people have them above kitchen cabinets, justgoogle it.

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You need to have a goes into/goes out of, mindset. where is the fan getting the air from? eventually the bathroom will be out of air to draw, open a door or something.



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how old is your house? is there a larger then normal gap between the floor and the bottom of the door?


whats the fastest way to get air threw a bathroom?

A) door open fan on

B) door open window open

C) window open fan on

D) door closed window closed fan on

E) ok there are alot of options


the answer is D door closed window closed fan on and the properly sized gap at the bottom of the door.


it's kinda like an engine you want the air coming in to match the air going out.

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