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Question about COP Quotas


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I like to troll officer.com forums just for these exact things. They have a section called "Ask a cop" and you learn a lot of good things on there. Plus I want to become a LEO, I have things lined up right now. They just have to go through.
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i can say that tickets have made me slow down lol i got sick of paying the city of columbus so i slowed down and havent gotten any in a year and half lol plus it was my new years resolution to not get a ticket this year :p i hate seeing the red and blue behind me lol. I don't care what the cops are doing as they have a job that i couldnt even imagine doing, not knowing if the next person you stop or question will shoot you or whatever. I have a certain respect for them i guess even if i have gotten a few tickets. Everyone always needs someone to blame
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They tell you that there are no "quotas" and in the same breath say you can be written up for not having x amount of tickets written per month. It may not be a "quota" but isn't in the same thing?


I am sure street racing is a big problem @ 8am on a Tuesday. I sure see plenty of cops on my way to work and back every day...I have yet to see any street racing. Ever. Bet they will get some DUI's then too, right?


Wrong...it is simply the easiest time to MAKE MONEY. People in a rush to work, or rushing home. Rushing = speeding a bit = money in the bank. End of story. Notice they always scan people in the easiest places to get a speeder, and not usually the places where it is most dangerous to speed? It isn't crime prevention, it is all about making some scratch.


Like people in a rush to work shaving, drinking coffee, talking on the phone, etc etc etc not paying attention to what they are doing. Combine speed with inattention and next thing you know someone cuts someone off causing them to over correct flip there car and kill 2 people leaving 2 kids without parents. (as recently occurred on I-71) I don't like speed traps/cops running radar but, they are a necessary evil.

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There's too many cops as it is... If these tough guys would spend more time busting real crime instead of giving yuppies and kids speeding tickets, columbus would be a better place. If crime gets out of control, it should be up to the people to decide how to deal with it... not a bunch of drunk politicians and fat cops.
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