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Who else here has had a balance test?

V8 Beast

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Not knowing what to expect I went in to have the tests done. Next thing I know I have a tube putting cold air into my ear and I'm in the middle of the most violent dizzy spell of my life. I'll be honest, I freaked the f#@* out! She assumed I was told what would happen and apologized.


She did it with cold air then warm for 45 seconds a piece in both ears. Each time I became more and more sick to my stomach. By the end if I would have had anything to eat or drink it would have been all over her. For anyone that has to do this in the future be sure to follow directions and do not eat!!!! Well, I guess if you like the gravitron you'll enjoy it :p

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"The purpose of the ENG is to determine whether or not dizziness may be due to inner ear disease. There are four main parts to the ENG. The calibration test evaluates rapid eye movements. The tracking test evaluates movement of the eyes as they follow a visual target. The positional test measures dizziness associated with positions of the head. The caloric test measures responses to warm and cold water circulated through a small, soft tube in the ear canal.


The ENG test is the gold-standard for diagnosis of ear disorders affecting one ear at a time. For example, the ENG is excellent for diagnosis of vestibular neuritis. The ENG is also useful in diagnosis of BPPV and bilateral vestibular loss, although the rotatory chair test is better at the diagnosis of bilateral vestibular disorders than is the ENG. The calibration and tracking tests are intended to diagnose central nervous system disorders, such as cerebellar degenerations. These tests are generally insensitive compared to an examination by a neurologist or an MRI scan. ENG, however, is much less expensive than an MRI in most institutions.


When dizziness or vertigo occurs, the first thing many sufferers do is report it to their physician. He or she will usually obtain detailed information about the dizziness, including when it began, what seems to bring it on (or make it worse or better), exactly what sensations are experienced and specific medical information.

Since the balance organs are located in the inner ear, a hearing evaluation is recommended, typically followed by an electronystagmography test, or ENG.


Although the balance organs are located in the inner ear, the entire balance system includes the brain, brainstem, eyes and sensory nerves throughout the body. When a person becomes dizzy, an involuntary eye movement occurs. This eye movement is called "nystagmus". By stimulating the entire balance system and carefully measuring this nystagmus, your audiologist can help your physician to determine what is, or is not, causing your dizziness. ENG is the recording and measurement of eye movements."

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You need to practice being drunk more.


LMFAO! Thats explains exactly how it feels, but with more spinning. There is also no chance of throwing up to make you feel better because your stomach is empty.

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