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Eastside Cruise to Doc's


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I would like to rally a cruise there. Meet at the Hooter's on E. Main at 2pm. We will aprox. 15-20 minutes for late arrivals than embark on the 25 mile hike to Doc's Palace. I will be on the bike so all you bikers heres your chance. If you need anything PM me.
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Dammit all the fun shit when I am fucked up. You guys goin ride safe.


Can you have someone wheel you around up there, or are you still confined to the house?


I'll be too late to catch this, so Dover and everyone else, as Jason said, be safe on the way up there and I will see all you clowns when I get there.

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I can be wheeled around but I just cant be out for along time because my foot will start to ache and then I need to lie down and prop it up. Gearheadz is about 1 min from my house and I should have went there for the meet but my wife had to run errands and I didnt want to bug anyone to get me and take me home.
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Glad to hear you're all planning to cruise up. :)


You're welcome to park anywhere you'd like, but there is reserved motorcycle parking at the very front of the building as you drive down the entry road. It's got curbs all around it and is in front of building #100. I thought you might want some protection from cars backing up, etc. The Can Am Spyder will park there as will the Ferrari or Bentley.


Motorcycles are VIP RESERVED parking at my parties. ;)

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Doc can a wheelchair get around?


Absolutely. The lot is blacktop.


It will be a bit tricky using the step and doorway directly into the shop, however, it will be a breeze coming around to the opposite side of the shop and using the big door when you want to come inside and see the shop and cars.


I think the restrooms can work, too, but if you need to have the chair lifted up over a barrier, I'm sure we can find some able hands to assist.

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I will see if I can convince my wife to bring me. Cool thanks


I wasnt planning on going because I dont really know anyone but if you want to go out for a little bit I can bring the truck and scoop you up if you want. Ill need about 2 hours to verify that I dont have plans today with the old lady.


I dont want to wake her up she was being a bitch last night because she was having problems with her finals...

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I wasnt planning on going because I dont really know anyone but if you want to go out for a little bit I can bring the truck and scoop you up if you want. Ill need about 2 hours to verify that I dont have plans today with the old lady.


I dont want to wake her up she was being a bitch last night because she was having problems with her finals...

I will let you know. My wifes sleeping and we were going to try and get rid of the kids tonight so we can actually do something as husband and wife instead of husband and patient. If she wants to go thats cool but if she wants to go to dinner I will definately do what she wants. If we get into a fight sometime today, you sir have a date:p

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