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Blocking xbox 360 hours


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Is there a way I can block my son from Xbox/live for X amount of hours a day for ONLY his account? I turned on the family settings for it and set it to X amount of hours per day. It turned the settings on for my account too. So I had to turn it off.
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was he playing it too much? why dont you set it after ytour done playing with it an when your ready to play turn it off? a hassel yea but not sure how strict your trying to be


I haven't decided. The deal was that if he failed Science on the last quarter then it would be gone the entire summer, along with his laptop.


I'm debating giving it to him for say an hour a day. I'm not sure though.


Turning it off and on every time I played sucks. I really don't want to do that.

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yea i can understand it woudl be a pain in the ass but if you dont want to take it away completly then you have to suffer. but if you guys had an agreemnet an he didnt hold to it, you need to stick to your end. but thats just me
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rofl. buddy of mine had a 15 year old son that would have friends sleep over on the weekends. these guys would play xbox live all night long. he said he woke up one saturday to go to work at 6 am, and saw his son pulling a xbox disc out of the freezer (WTF?). apparently, when the xbox gets hot as shit (if you've been playing it all night, for example), the disc can cool the rest of the machine down
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Guest tbutera2112
rofl. buddy of mine had a 15 year old son that would have friends sleep over on the weekends. these guys would play xbox live all night long. he said he woke up one saturday to go to work at 6 am, and saw his son pulling a xbox disc out of the freezer (WTF?). apparently, when the xbox gets hot as shit (if you've been playing it all night, for example), the disc can cool the rest of the machine down



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So your telling your son he can't play x hours/day, but that's exactly what you do? Kids are their parents kids. 99% of the time they will grow up to eat like you, talk like you, act like you. Set an example. Shut the xbox off and put it away.


The XBox probably isn't why he's not doing what he is supposed to be doing, just what he's doing instead of what he's supposed to be doing.


Sorry if that all sounds harsh, I don't really mean it to be. I don't envy you, there's a reason I don't want kids and them being a teenager is just part of it.

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i dont think it was cause he was playing too much and he was trying to watch the hours. they had a agreement about passing science. buck said if he failed science, losing xbox live was punishment for the summer. not just that he was playing too much.


i vote dont give him any hours. when i grew up at home when i messed up and got punished it was worse then losing video game hours. got grounded from friends, games, and was made to do my parents chores and yard work that they normally did or i would do for allowance, but instead for no money and as punishment. i say you stick with him losing it completly for the summer. it sucks and everyone wants to be the cool dad but there is always a time and place to be your kids friends and then their parents.


but if u want to give him that one hour a day, i dont know a for sure answer on the parental lock but try xboxforums.com there is chatter about everything on that site im sure there would be a tutorial or something there. if not i say just take it away period and put it in ur room for the summer lol and tell him he shoulda passed science ;)

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There was a reason I took him off of it earlier. He was spending WAY too much time on that than his school work. That and his computer he had.


I gave him the choice 2-3 weeks ago. Fail the class, you lose the xbox and the laptop for the entire summer. I gave him a few weeks with it and look what happened, his grade dropped. Thus, not passing the class.


On the flip side, he was on ADHD medication about 3-4 years ago and in middle school I took it off him because of the side effects and he seemed to be doing fine without it. Now, High school is a mucher higher demanding place to be in especially when you're 15 and a freshman. I have the paperwork filled out from school and plan on taking it to my doctor, but that's not even remotely close to the topic of this thread is it?


So, if no one has any answers to blocking a profile for X amount of hours, then don't worry about it. Don't post about how to raise my child. Unless you have one, fine. But if not, fuck off. :).

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Can't you just put the player itself up? Lock it in a box somewhere. Sometimes being a parent sucks but most of the time the part that sucks is in the kids best interest. He knew the agreement and didn't follow through so you shouldn't feel guilty about holding up your end of the agreement. Just put it away and only give it to him when you want him to play it. I dread those days ( my oldest is only 6) but I know they're coming. I tend to try to make a lasting impression with punishments which is probably being way to hard on him but I'm hoping if I win enough of these battles early then later he won't be too shocked when I take his xbox 360 and put a hammer to it right in front of him. :D
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I'm hoping if I win enough of these battles early then later he won't be too shocked when I take his xbox 360 and put a hammer to it right in front of him. :D


Now THAT is what im talking about... kids and their fucking video games these days. I just dont get it to be honest? I am only 22 and when I was growing up I RARELY sat and played video games all night. If I did then it was once in a blue moon at a friends house or something. Hell, even to this day I dont play them. I just dont see how somthing that keeps you so confined to one place could consume most of your life? Then again i have been known to sit on my computer for hours on end, but also feel that I get stuff accomplished on here. lol

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He's 16 right? time to get a summer job. Tell him the only way he can play his xbox is if he gets a summer job. That will make him spend his time wisely.


Hell i didnt start playing video games until after i graduated b/c my parents didnt even buy me a gaming consol, i had to buy my own with money i made.

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Don't post about how to raise my child. Unless you have one, fine. But if not, fuck off. :).


I just wanted to say that I meant no disrespect by my post. Of course it's your kid, and obviously you have far my experience than I do. I earnestly meant what I said about not envying you for having to raise a kid, especially when they are going through one of their tough times. I wasn't a bad kid and I still know that I was a handful around that age. I was simply offering a suggesting as I truly believe the idea that 'kids are their parents kids'. It was just a suggestion/idea and you can take it as such. If you feel that it offers no benefit or help to your situation, so be it, and it may not. You clearly know your situation better than anyone. That's why it's a suggestion/opinion.

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don't hesitate to put him back on the ADHD meds if you think that will help him concentrate and up his grades. high school can be difficult even if you're focused. plenty of people remain on ADHD meds even beyond high school. there are a few different meds--you can switch up the med or dosing and see if that takes the side effects away. many of the side effects are dose-related (switch the dosing/timing of the med, and the side effects improve). just a thought.
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I just wanted to say that I meant no disrespect by my post. Of course it's your kid, and obviously you have far my experience than I do. I earnestly meant what I said about not envying you for having to raise a kid, especially when they are going through one of their tough times. I wasn't a bad kid and I still know that I was a handful around that age. I was simply offering a suggesting as I truly believe the idea that 'kids are their parents kids'. It was just a suggestion/idea and you can take it as such. If you feel that it offers no benefit or help to your situation, so be it, and it may not. You clearly know your situation better than anyone. That's why it's a suggestion/opinion.


yeah I understand your point.


To the ones who said smash the xbox in front of him.... uhh.. retards, we share it. His account is on the xbox along with mine, hence the asking of blocking the profile. :jerkit: ;)Yeah taking it away and locking it won't help either (see previous sentence).


Oh the joy. :bangbang:Also hence the reason I go snipped. :D

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yeah I understand your point.


To the ones who said smash the xbox in front of him.... uhh.. retards, we share it. His account is on the xbox along with mine, hence the asking of blocking the profile. :jerkit: ;)Yeah taking it away and locking it won't help either (see previous sentence).


Oh the joy. :bangbang:Also hence the reason I go snipped. :D


Retard??? How was that called for? I'm not the one having trouble taking away an xbox because I want to play it too. I sure would hate for his discipline to get in the way of your fun...... good luck with that.

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Retard??? How was that called for? I'm not the one having trouble taking away an xbox because I want to play it too. I sure would hate for his discipline to get in the way of your fun...... good luck with that.


So I should punish myself for his shitty grades in school? Awesome.

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Funny thing is.. My parents tried taking both gaming consoles, and PC away from me when my grades were shitty in middle school and it didn't change a damn thing. I just found OTHER things to do other than my homework.


Perhaps taking away the Xbox completely isn't a solution, but try spending more time with him doing his homework. Sit him down at least an hour a night and help him get his work done, he's not going to do it himself if you aren't watching over him.


And no, I'm not saying do the work for him, but watch over him and encourage him.

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So I should punish myself for his shitty grades in school? Awesome.


that was why I asked if you could lock it up. Then you would have the key and could get it out when you wanted. I never said you should smash it..... I said that's the type of thing I would do. Smashing it isn't right either but I could see me doing that if my boy screws up bad enough. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to get my son into video games at all really.

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that was why I asked if you could lock it up. Then you would have the key and could get it out when you wanted. I never said you should smash it..... I said that's the type of thing I would do. Smashing it isn't right either but I could see me doing that if my boy screws up bad enough. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to get my son into video games at all really.


True. I mean. Keeping him off it totally I can do. I'm just debating letting him play it say 2-3 hours a week max. That's why I was wanting to limit him.

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