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Work + Hang Over = FAIL!


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No matter how good it sounds at the time, it's never a good idea to get fucking hammered drunk and stay up till 2:30am when you have to be at work the next morning at 7:00am. Sure it starts off good, but when that alarm goes off 4 hours later and you have to drive to work in traffic half hung over/ drunk all a sudden it seems really stupid. I just got out of my 2nd meeting and I’m pretty sure it’s obvious to everyone in attendance that I’m a little off. I probably smell like a Hobo. Aaaa, this shit sucks!
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No matter how good it sounds at the time, it's never a good idea to get fucking hammered drunk and stay up till 2:30am when you have to be at work the next morning at 7:00am. Sure it starts off good, but when that alarm goes off 4 hours later and you have to drive to work in traffic half hung over/ drunk all a sudden it seems really stupid. I just got out of my 2nd meeting and I’m pretty sure it’s obvious to everyone in attendance that I’m a little off. I probably smell like a Hobo. Aaaa, this shit sucks!


If you woke up next to a good looking neked girl, I would say that it was all worth it.

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Yea hangovers at work fail. I rarely drink when I have to work the next day anymore. Anyone else have the hardest time waking up after drinking the night before?


When I was 18-20 I could party till 5-6 in the morning sleep an hour or two and wake up like a humming bird. But now when I drink to say 1-2am I wake up like a wounded sloth if I even decide to get up.

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Word.... I work at 5am every morning on weekends... so there has been once or twice I may have had too much or stopped to late.... but good newz is I am off Friday Saturday now.. Very Nice


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I had 3 Captain and cokes at the bowling alley last night while my son bowled and then drank about 4-5 beers until midnight playing COD4 with Benner and Paul.


I feel like shit today. But I'm not too bad.

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Yeah, used to be able to do it all the time. Now hungover=fail. As for waking up next to a good looking neked woman, they are never what I thought they were when I got into bed. It seems as though time and alchohol have impaired my visual judgement.
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Yeah, used to be able to do it all the time. Now hungover=fail. As for waking up next to a good looking neked woman, they are never what I thought they were when I got into bed. It seems as though time and alchohol have impaired my visual judgement.


I am very guilty of this sinful pleasure..........

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I know your guy's pain, went to gameworks and drank all night from about 9-midnight moved from gameworks to a local pub by the house and drank till 2 and went home and into work at 7.... I felt it all fucking day the phones ringing in the office & the bright lights made it worse
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It just kind of snuck up on me. I woke up this morning to find 26 empty bottles of beer on my bar and a few empty shot glasses, it was just me and a friend drinking. I didn't think we drank that much. I can deal with fighting off a bit of a hangover on the weekends, just sleep in and be lazy. But when you have to wake up and be responcible... fuck that!
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I used to drink all night on Saturdays and have to go into work at 6am on Sunday. I normally just wouldn't goto bed until after I got out of work. The shitty part was being awake through the entire hangover process and sweating out all the alcohol.
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Why would you just not call in sick:






he sounds like a responsible guy.


plus even he says that he normally sits all alone with no one else around. its perfect no one around to see you paassed out at your desk an get paid for it. hah

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Well I started to fell better about 2 hours ago, now I'm just ready to go home and sleep. But I still have to go box tonight, I haven't been in the ring in over a week, I'm goanna get whooped tonight. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/boxer.gif
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As soon as I got home from work I drank 12oz of Johnnie Walker then went to bed. I feel fine today no hangover. You guies are all amateurs.


I had 156 oz of Corona and 3 oz of Patron, went to bed, woke up 4 hours later was still buzzin.

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