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I need your help and opinions.


Here's the deal, I have a chance to become a distributor for a alternative to smoking. It is sometimes called an "e cig" (check out youtube). It is a better choice than smoking.

You can smoke anywhere. Bars, resturants, clubs, work, anywhere.

It does not have the harmfull chemicals of cigarettes, no smell, and no secondhand smoke. Just water vapor and nicotine. It is an alternative safe way to still get nicotine. Also packs of cigs are up to almost $6, each cartridge is equivalent to a pack and costs $3.21

I myself belive in the product and know people that are currently using this and love it. I'm not here to waste your time or b/s you.


I want to know if you think this is something I should get involved in. (I belive so)

I want to know if this is something you would be interested in.

I want to know any questions or thoughts you may have.

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make one for pot and I am in.


I wouldn't be interested in it because Nicotine is bad for you mmmmkay. I think that you need to ask yourself if you will be able to penetrate the market and if they are going to help you get there. cigs are sold, in large, to people that cannot afford them. you have a price point that is better but will they give up their marlboros?

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