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Accident (foot) update for those who care


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sorry long read.


Well its been almost 2 months since I was hurt at work where a 1200lb piece of concrete crushed several bones in my foot and broke a few others. For anyone who is unaware, they rebuilt it and reattached my toes with screws. So I am officially done with my casts. I have gone through 2 different types of casts the second of which required me to remove it several times a day thus resulting in tearing off whatever skin was able to grow over the graft donor site needed to close the 2'' wide by 6'' long area opened up when my foot inerds came flowing out. So I am now down to being able to put on a tennis shoe and get off the walker and wheelchair I have forced to use since it happened and move to crutches. My foot still swells often throughout the day and I need to prop it up to get the blood to go away. Its a big step now because I have actually been walking unassisted for short trips around the house. Having the kids out of school has been a big help since I dont stay in bed for days on end before they were here. My foot is still disfigured due to the injury and the swelling which is still months from going away but its coming along. I cant tell you how much having a loving wife who waits on you hand and foot has been. So thats about it. Maybe in the next few months I can get back to work. Being home has been a financial burden due to workers comp rules and the situation with being back with my old company for 5 weeks before being injured. With this company I make the majority of my yearly income in the 3 summer months(workers comp dont calculate for this). I have had to use alot of my savings to make it through and its going to get worse when the check amounts drop again in a week or 2. Plus when I do get back to work, the work load will be down and no chance of making up for it. Winter will be very interesting. But so far were making it.

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glad your able to put a shoe on an use a crutch vs a walker. means your defentally moving in a positive direction. how much pain are you still in? does normla walking aroudn even with it elevated stilll hurt? an are you able to put any pressure on it at all with out excreciatating(sp?) pain?
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Good deal so far at least. Got any recent pics?


Being a photo bug this seems strange...but...please...don't !! :eek::cry:


Glad you're doing better. Hopefully the pain has subsided a bit. I bet your tolerance ot it is high now.

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The "bad" pain has been gone for awhile. At night and sometimes during the day it feels as though someone is tightening a band around the middle of the foot. I have started to be able to feel the certain areas of the actual injury/break as the swelling has started to subside. If I push it, it will start to really ache at night and I cant wait to elevate it to get the swelling to go away. Having the skin move over the foot feels odd. I have placed my entire bodies weight on it for a few short trips. I have been able to walk with the assistance of a walker since I got out of the hospital. I can walk up the stairs by myself but I am still nervous about it and go slow. I am still cosidered "non weight bearing" for a few months yet. I am suppose to rock my weight from leg to leg as I stand. I will get some recent pics up tomorrow when the wife frees disk space on the camera. Thanks for the support guys, kirks5.0 has been a big help with his answering of my questions, and spaceghost as well(having a similar situation) wherever he went. Being able to BS on cr has made the time go by quicker.
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  • 2 weeks later...
glad to hear you are doing better... I am having surgery a week from tomorrow on my femur. It has been broken for 4 years and they are just now going to go in and do a bone graph instead of giving me endless amounts of pain pills. i just want this thing to heal. so myself will prob be on cr for the next month to let the time pass by.
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At the end of the day, it feels like its never going to heal.


but from an outsiders view sounds as if your making incredible progress, considering the extent of the damage and not to mention those pics! :eek:


Sounds as though youll at least be able to enjoy the end of your summer


best of luck with the rest of it

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