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This is fucking retarded


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I've been on a certain Monte Carlo forum since '01 and am the 3rd member on that site since it opened. I've been a mod, admin, everything. About a year ago the owner of the site just decided to drop me as an admin stating I didn't do anything. Whatever. Anyways.


About a year or two ago we could post anything we want, NWS shit (as long as it was labeled correctly), swear, etc. Then I guess some of the kiddies on the board (lots of 16 year olds) started complaining about the words and NWS content on there since they were not 18.


So they blocked NWs content (no boobs, sex, or hell, even a huge turd in the toilet) and censored words.


So the other day I was on there and posted the huge turd that Linn posted in the pics and vids.


The admin sent me an PM stating NWS content is forbidden. Now this is the guy that I let stay over at my house several times while he was travelling and needed a place to stay. We know each other personally and he's turned into a complete bag of douche in the past year or two.


I just replied to him with "what a joke" and left it at that.


How many other car forums are you on and they restrict what you say/do (in the lines of NWS content and language). ? It makes me respect this place and the freedom most of us have here.

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Know your audience I guess. Some forums are strictly technical and car related and they don’t want a bunch of off topic BS. Others are a lot looser, does it make it right or wrong, no but it is what it is so why complain about it? No different then the people who were bitching about have NWS stuff posted.
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There are a couple forums I used to be on that doesn't allow swear words at all, let alone risque photos. The Mazda forum I'm on now allow swearing, but no nudity. But then they have stupid rules like you're not allowed to bump your own For Sale thread, you have to be on-topic in any section other than the Lounge area or you get posts deleted/warned.
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Guest tbutera2112
I always get the ban-stick threatened for being a dick to people, or cracking inappropriate jokes. I think CR has ruined me for normal forum usage.


me too...im on another stang site quite often and the mods/admins are always threatening to ban me because of language and being mean to other members when they act like fucking retards....this one guy got on there and posted that he just bought a mustang from a guy named jerome (sp) and that he wanted to know what was done to the car and wanted to know if jerome was on the forum......no last name, no state, fucking nothing....what a fucking retard...and i told him that lol

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I recieved an infraction on another site for calling someone a tool...seriously.!?


There was someone showing mailboxes they painted (sweet) and this tard had the audacity to bitch about "You cant sell stuff on here without being a Vendor" (pay for membership)... There was NOTHING about selling or buying...was just a 'Look at these things we made'

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I know a forum that wont let you say anything political anymore. Seems like the majority of the mods ride Obama's pole and get their feeling hurt if you say anything bad about their messiah.
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Guest tbutera2112
I know a forum that wont let you say anything political anymore. Seems like the majority of the mods ride Obama's pole and get their feeling hurt if you say anything bad about their messiah.



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I know a forum that wont let you say anything political anymore. Seems like the majority of the mods ride Obama's pole and get their feeling hurt if you say anything bad about their messiah.



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I know a forum that wont let you say anything political anymore. Seems like the majority of the mods ride Obama's pole and get their feeling hurt if you say anything bad about their messiah.


I think I know this place. I find myself about to post something about once a week, and then deciding it would probably get me in trouble.

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I mod at ls1.com and it gets a little crazy/stupid there at times but as long as it's in AAG and not a personal attack we let a lot slide. No pink, no personal attacks towards members, and nothing racist. Other than that we let most slide to an extent. We have a political area and I never even go in there, politics is just asking for drama. :D
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I know a forum that wont let you say anything political anymore. Seems like the majority of the mods ride Obama's pole and get their feeling hurt if you say anything bad about their messiah.

How odd, I know of a similar forum as well.

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I honestly think that the larger the forum, the stricter the rules. I've been a super-moderator on Maxima.org since '04 where there are now well over 85k members and the rules are pretty stringent in regards to where and what material you post. There is no area where you can post NWS material and there is a built-in swear filter as well, so that gives you an idea of the site. CR is VERY lenient IMO and I think for the active member list that we have, it works well.
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