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Economy in FL


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I'm in Naples visiting old friends through the weekend, and I am absolutely shocked at how far down the economy has come here. Things are tough in Ohio, no doubt...but from the heights this area achieved during the real estate boom, everyone has been affected in major ways. It seems that no block has been spared from foreclosure (not just people saying "I know a guy...") and a lot of businesses have been forced to close down. People that I know well are in a real funk when you talk about money...it's just sad.


There is still some optimism for the future, even if no one expects an economic turnaround until 2010 at least...but today this area has endured more than a year of slowdown and many people/businesses simply cannot hold out any further.


What works here in FL works in OH as well...please try your hardest to pay down debt and sock away savings however you can.


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yeah, its bad down here. i'm patting myself on the back at my decision last year not to buy a house down here for the year we're living in tampa---i would have been stuck with it. 100 houses in our neighborhood in foreclosure---thankfully, the one we're renting is not one of them
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here in Atlanta now onto Sanibel Island in the am. economy sucks everywhere. you're absolutely right.....save what you have now and pay down the debt. inflation is coming at us real soon and it's going to be huge.
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For what it's worth, Ohio - Columbus specifically - has weathered this significantly better than much of the "boom" areas of the country.


Now, it's worth noting that in an area already depressed, how much further depression can be sustained? I personally say we could have fallen much farther and deeper, and am thankful we've had moderation thus far.

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