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10yr high school reunion


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9 years for me and 10 years for my wife. Still no notices of a reunion, not like we would go anyway. Got to love it when your class president got prego while a Junior and doesn't know the daddy is. I do not miss Utica.
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My five year was kinda lame... folks who went to college were either just barely out or not quite done, folks who didn't were pretty much doing what we expected (mechs, trades, or moms, mostly). The ten year was a bit better. More interesting things to talk about, including television gladiators, visiting expats, and the like. Might not make my 15 year, though... 18 hours is gonna be an awful long time to hang in the air if things play out as I suspect :)
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I'm coming up on my 5year,guess we're not doing anything since it would be this summer and I haven't heard anything. Not sure if I'll go to the 10 year, the people I cared to talk to I still do, fuck the rest.
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My 20yr is coming up in a few months..


I'm having the hardest time finding breakdancing pants, shelltop Adidas and a Kangol hat to wear. Its either that or a Le'Tigre polo shirt with some Lee jeans and a belt buckle with my name on it.


Decisions, decisions..

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My 20 year is coming up in 2011. The last thing I want to do is go to the reunion and listen to Public Enemy and Run DMC. At our prom the only non rap song that was played was AC/DC's Back and Black, that only played for about 30 sec before the majority crowd about attacked the DJ and made him turn it off. Edited by HAOLE
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i suppose my 10 yr will be next year. i'm not much different or have much to show for 10 yrs out of high school but i guess i should go. atleast i didnt go downhill, gain 200 pounds, marry some asshole that knocked me up with 5 kids by now.
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