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Wow, say goodbye to Formula One!


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Because his snotty little whiny ass thought he was so awesome he could win EVERYTHING because he's so uber awesome, and turns out, he even sucks at driving in circles.


C'mon, you have to admit he'd be your FIRST choice in a demo derby.


F1 is pretty much over as long as Mosley and Ecclestone are around.

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As long as Ecclestone is running F1, then I will keep wishing failure on him, the series, and everyone involved with it. Ecclestone is a pig.


And for you NASCAR haters, do you have any concept, ANY, of why the series is what it is? NASCAR isn't just the Cup and Series. It goes down through ARCA to the level of your local circle track on Saturday nights. Go over to CMS and take a look.

Ideally, a driver can enter into late models, build sponsorships and work their way up into ARCA, Series, and Cup. Cup is only the top series of a huge network of lower series and small tracks.

But yeah, I know none of you F1 snobs wanna hear that. You'd rather watch the same guy lead a race for four hours. So fuck F1. Let it die. All the real racing is in GT and ALMS anyways.

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As long as Ecclestone is running F1, then I will keep wishing failure on him, the series, and everyone involved with it. Ecclestone is a pig.


And for you NASCAR haters, do you have any concept, ANY, of why the series is what it is? NASCAR isn't just the Cup and Series. It goes down through ARCA to the level of your local circle track on Saturday nights. Go over to CMS and take a look.

Ideally, a driver can enter into late models, build sponsorships and work their way up into ARCA, Series, and Cup. Cup is only the top series of a huge network of lower series and small tracks.

But yeah, I know none of you F1 snobs wanna hear that. You'd rather watch the same guy lead a race for four hours. So fuck F1. Let it die. All the real racing is in GT and ALMS anyways.


As a Nascar hater, i NEVER mentioned hating ARCA.



I do know all about the smaller series, and have been to a few of them. They were enjoyable to watch.


nascar isnt about Who is the best driver, its about which driver can be more of a redneck for his fans, and not about driving a "stock car" which they are not.

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As long as Ecclestone is running F1, then I will keep wishing failure on him, the series, and everyone involved with it. Ecclestone is a pig.


And for you NASCAR haters, do you have any concept, ANY, of why the series is what it is? NASCAR isn't just the Cup and Series. It goes down through ARCA to the level of your local circle track on Saturday nights. Go over to CMS and take a look.

Ideally, a driver can enter into late models, build sponsorships and work their way up into ARCA, Series, and Cup. Cup is only the top series of a huge network of lower series and small tracks.

But yeah, I know none of you F1 snobs wanna hear that. You'd rather watch the same guy lead a race for four hours. So fuck F1. Let it die. All the real racing is in GT and ALMS anyways.



F1's governing body is the FIA. The FIA also has a championship series at EVERY level of motorsport; even as low as Go-Karts. So an aspiring F1 driver can start at childhood, karting at the local track, and work his way up through the various driving series on a bee-line to F1. And he can do so almost anywhere in the WORLD, except for the US where we seem to only like things that go round in circles and cause crashes.


A list of FIA championships: http://www.fia.com/en-GB/sport/championships/Pages/Championships.aspx And keep in mind that many countries have their own racing organizations that feed directly into the FIA championships.


A series that draws upon a base of a few hundred million or a series that draws upon a base of BILLIONS.. I'm sorry, who's snobbish?

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Hopefully the split will be avoided. (Though I'm curious what kinds of cars a Manufacturer-driven series would come up with).


Max is backing down: http://www.f1technical.net/news/12731?sid=5431f3fa903782c1fcba5a1fe602b3ae


FOTA and FIA will meet again tomorrow: http://www.f1technical.net/news/12753?sid=5431f3fa903782c1fcba5a1fe602b3ae

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Well, no breakaway series. Every team has agreed to stick with F1 with the current 2009 rule set.




No hard numbers for budget caps or the extra tech the cap was going to allow.. :( But I guess if the series continues whole..


Another interesting tidbit, Max Mosely says he won't try to be re-elected in October. So apparently, he's out as well.

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Entertainment will also trump content. F1 cars is the most advanced form of racing in the world. BUT I can't tell you how many nights I've sat up trying to watch an F1 race on SPEED. It's about as exciting as watching paint dry. NASCAR for the most part has enough action somewhere on the track to keep you watching. Call it the networks doing a better job on the production end or NASCAR throwing the occasional caution for debris that was nowhere to be found until after the caution was thrown, they sell tickets and get ratings. It's just like WWE. They get more viewers than boxing or any MMA group. It's hillbilly deluxe, but it keeps people watching.
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Hence my comment in post #14 of this thread.


My thoughts on Nascar have been posted before. Suffice it to say, it's the professional wrestling of motorsports, and I feel bad for the engineers.


Frankly, I find NASCAR boring as hell. At least with F1 there's the technical aspect, an interesting track, Knockout Qualifying, and the surprises that happen during the race. You're right, there isn't a lot of passing in F1. But I'd rather the occaisional daring, late-braking, lightning quick passes in F1, than the passes in NASCAR where you can see a pass starting, then get up, get a beer, and sit back down to see if the pass is successful or not. *snore*

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