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$3 and some change to spend..


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You have only $3 and some change to spend at your favorite late night food spot.. what do you buy?





I just went to Taco bell and took 15 minutes in front of the board to contemplate what was going to be my best value for the $3 that I had laying around. Ended up buying a Grilled Chicken Soft Taco, Chili Cheese Burrito, and a Regular Soft Taco... total of $3.27

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Hmmmm $3. I would go free water and $1 fry and 2 double stacks with only cheese ketchup mustard lettuce and maybe tomato from wendys, I would use spare change to get kiddi size frosty. The frosty is so tiny that theres only about a scoop in it but hey were dealing with change here people.
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Hmmmm $3. I would go free water and $1 fry and 2 double stacks with only cheese ketchup mustard lettuce and maybe tomato from wendys, I would use spare change to get kiddi size frosty. The frosty is so tiny that theres only about a scoop in it but hey were dealing with change here people.


Water is a must, but I'm waiting for the day they'll start charging for water too.. I was always a fan of the 99 cent fries, and two JR. Cheeseburger Deluxes in highschool when I had to ball on a budget.

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I throw the $3 in the console and use debit card to purchase full meal.


I could've done the same thing, but for shits I only wanted to spend what I had laying around and it was only 3 and some change.

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but for $3, theres not much anymore. fuck, me and the g/f got wendys a few weeks ago and it was like $13 for 2 meals, nothing else. i used to go there in HS for lunch and get a single combo with cheese for like $3.69. fuck inflation/rising prices/time
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but for $3, theres not much anymore. fuck, me and the g/f got wendys a few weeks ago and it was like $13 for 2 meals, nothing else. i used to go there in HS for lunch and get a single combo with cheese for like $3.69. fuck inflation/rising prices/time

Wait until you spend $30-40 a night at fast food places for dinner for a family of 5. We do this almost every night.

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Now I am getting hungry damnit to hell.


talk about hungry...g/fs parents took me to dinner for my birthday, i decided o'charleys sounded good, since i knew they had prime rib. go in expecting to get a decent piece of beef, and the fuckers only serve it on fri/sat/sun. gayness.

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jeebus, did you sit in a hospitals parking lot and eat it all just in case?


IIRC, I was somewhere in hilliard.. and ate it all during the car ride back to the east side. :lol:


I have no idea where I put all those cheeseburgers.

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bleh. if i eat fast food 2x a month, thats a lot for me anymore. since i cut out fast food for the most part, and soda (still drink diet pepsi sometimes), ive dropped ~40lbs (212 to 173) and feel 10x better than i ever have, no exaggeration.
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bleh. if i eat fast food 2x a month, thats a lot for me anymore. since i cut out fast food for the most part, and soda (still drink diet pepsi sometimes), ive dropped ~40lbs (212 to 173) and feel 10x better than i ever have, no exaggeration.

I cant put on weight for nothing. I eat out all the time including lunch when I was working, I weighed at most 195lb but alot of muscle. A week after my accident I had dropped to nearly 155lb and I cant put weight on now for anything. I was called a little guy today by an old lady.

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I cant put on weight for nothing. I eat out all the time including lunch when I was working, I weighed at most 195lb but alot of muscle. A week after my accident I had dropped to nearly 155lb and I cant put weight on now for anything. I was called a little guy today by an old lady.


but if i remember correctly from when you came and picked up that hot tub, your not a tall guy, right?

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Not tall 5'9. But years of cutting concrete left me with a weird strength that you couldnt tell by looking at me. I was considered stocky by most but I never thought it. Kinda like an old man that has worked all his life and has a grip like a vise, strong as an ox even when you wouldnt expect it. Now I am tired going downstairs.
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