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seriousily f m l


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Sooo the jet ski I bought 8 days yes 8 days ago I took out today well I ride for like an hour then me shanton sam an linn go sit in this cove. An I notice my ski taken on water. So I jump off an check my drain plugs.






Shit I took them out. Well I couldn't get it started soo I could keep it up on the water plane so no water would get in so I could get it on the trailer but nooo wouldn't start so ssam toys me clear across the dam lake an I run as fast as. I can to get my truck an trailer before it starts to sink.


Welll I get the trailer in the water but wasent enough time. Aswhen I get back to my ski the back end starts going down an the. Front goes skyward. We all do out best to keep it from doin this but mky ski weights 700 pounds dry weight so yea no way.

By this t I e its sunk skkyward up o the side mirrors l. Luckily linn was able to tie it to his jet ski an pull it over to my trailer an was able to get it on the trailer open up the seat an its fulllll of water


I just let it drain took over 15 minuits driving down the road to drain out with a constant flow


It was all my fault for juist being a tard an being too excited to get out on the water. I want to give a verry big thanks to sam shanton an linn. Without them my ski would be somewhere at the bottom of alum creek. Thanks again guys


So yea fml. I don't plan on trying to start it. Does any one have any recomendation as what to do. About gettin it startable. As I don't want to juststart it if there's water in the carbs

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You can dry out the electrics with WD40. Pumping water into the engine is bad, so I would suggest making sure you don't do that. Like he said, pull the fuel and oil. Crank it over without the plugs and make sure you don't have water in the jugs.
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You can dry out the electrics with WD40. Pumping water into the engine is bad, so I would suggest making sure you don't do that. Like he said, pull the fuel and oil. Crank it over without the plugs and make sure you don't have water in the jugs.



WD40 is strongly discouraged to use on skis. There are far more better fogging oils to use than WD40. I used to use it all the time but too many people argue that it contains and attracts too much water.



As for the ski that sucks too hear man. I haven't even got to see it yet. Here is a write up from GreenHulk that is in that FAQ on what to do for water ingestion on the RXP's. You obviously just get to ignore anything that deals with the charger...





1Stop being pissed, if you are angry, everything goes much rougher. Calm down, relax a bit, and take your time to make sure everything goes smooth


2 Drain all the water from the hull through the drain plugs by removing them and tilting the ski back as far as you safely can.


3 Remove the plastic piece that sits above the engine and has the black plastic tube connectec to it, as seen in the picure below.(at least in the RXT), and set aside.



4 Now you are ready to get to work removing the water from the engine. The first thing to do is remove the air intake from the supercharger, and disconnect it at its front location as well. Get all the water out of the intake tube.


5 With the intake disconnected from the supercharger, tilt the ski back so that any water in the supercharger can be drained out. Once the water is drained out, you can reconnect the air intake to the supercharger and to its location at the front of the ski.


6 Here comes the fun part, now that you have removed the water that had not yet made its way into the engine, you need to remove the contaminated oil from the engine. Remove the spark plugs from the engine, and place a towel over the open spark plug holes. Hold the throttle wide open in order to shut off the fuel delivery(so i was told), and crank the engine. Hold for about 10 seconds. Let it sit, do it again. This gets any water that may have been sitting in the combustion chambers out. Replace the spark plugs.



7 Now you get to get the oil out. Use whatever extractor you use to remove the oil. I use this.http://www.cpperformance.com/images/620-315.jpg


8Replace the oil filter with a clean one, and refill the engine with oil.


9Run the engine at idle(while flushing to cool exhaust) for 3-4 minutes in order to burn off any excess water.



This should be repeated as many times as neccesary to eliminate any "milkshake" oil left in the ski. I went through this process 6 times.



10 Once the oil is clean, and there is no more milkshake effect, remove the spark plugs again, and spray some fogging oil into the cylinders.


11Let fogging oil do its thing for a few minutes, then replace plugs, reflush the ski, and put it back together.



This should do it for removing the oil-water and saving the engine from corrosion.

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thanks chris ill try this,. my problem is i cant gegt the dam spart plugs off. they are on there TIGHT!!!!!


also just for shits i hit the starter and all it does is make a loud thud sound it wont crank over just a thud. so once i can get my plugs off ill try this if i can ever get the fuckers off ahhh

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I wouldn't try to to bump the starter at all until you change the oil/make sure cylinders dont have water in them. You could prob do a lot of damage that way. You shouldn't really have to worry about a whole lot of ingestion seeing as it wasnt running when it was flooded. Just hurry up and get this thing finished so that you can get it back on the water by Thurs.
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i just dont wan tto break them off in the block.... ahhhh crappp


that wouldn't be good.. take it to a dealership or some place that's gonna charge you a lot, but has the tools/knowhow to fix it...or someone who knows what they're doing. too expensive a toy to fuck up b/c you're angry.

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Dont touch it. Take it back and tell them it wouldnt start. Deny deny deny. Just act pissed off that theres a problem with it.


that was gonna be my next question, where did he buy it from....cuz if it's from a dealership or store...fucking go back and raise cain!

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Just tell them you did everything right. Its their word vs. yours and you have the fact it was just purchased on your side.


+1. Start with saying you want your money back... then demand an exchange. They'll want to do an exchange to keep your money.

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Damnit I was just going to post that. Paul it will work trust me. Just stick to your guns and tell them your about as pissed as your gonna get and just raise hell. I will do it if you dont want to. I will just have to say your my husband and your the women in the relationship who impulse buys and doesnt look before she signs.
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ill use that as a last resort i got the plugs out after some pb...the cylender at the very back is filled to the rim with water the otehr middle doesnt have much an the front had a little...im gonna try to take some water out with a syphone an then crank it like you guys said
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