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In the very beginning sequence there is a zombie stripper running in slow motion with pasties, and her boobs flying around in circles. It's very noticeable, but doesn't last too long. Beyond that, if they are cool with blood and gore they will be fine.


This movie is funny as hell, one of my favorites even though it was kinda short.

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So is this movie more of a gory comedy, or do they try and surprise you with zombies popping up at random times? Trying to see if I can take my girlfriend to go see it this weekend. She's fine with gore, but not suspense.
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I know but still it always makes for an awkward moment. I surely doubt in person.


I just want to type this so it makes sense to me.


You are ok with your kids seeing blood gore and violence but not 8 seconds of zombie pastie boobs?

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I just want to type this so it makes sense to me.


You are ok with your kids seeing blood gore and violence but not 8 seconds of zombie pastie boobs?

Yes. I highly doubt there is anything in the movie they cant see on cable. They dont see nudity on cable. Video games are just as gorey. My kids can tell the difference whats fake and whats reality and whats put into a movie for shock value vs. to get some kid who goes to a movie because he hears theres nudity in it. I am sure my kids have seen a naked women before, but I dont just put it out there.

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Yes. I highly doubt there is anything in the movie they cant see on cable. They dont see nudity on cable. Video games are just as gorey. My kids can tell the difference whats fake and whats reality and whats put into a movie for shock value vs. to get some kid who goes to a movie because he hears theres nudity in it. I am sure my kids have seen a naked women before, but I dont just put it out there.


No justification needed I just thought it was funny. I am the same way for the most part.

my son is only 5 so he does not get to see anything with blood or gore or nudity.



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Yeah at 5 I wouldnt do it. My sons are older. I wouldnt take my 8 year old daughter. I was raised kinda under an umbrella. To this day I cant see a movie with any mild sexual situations with my parents, drink around my parents, smoke around my parents, curse around my parents. I just never feel comfortable with any of that stuff. I dont want that for my kids. So I dont blatantly put it out there but I dont want them to be confused with that stuff, feel awkward and not approach me with questions/concerns or seek out thse things behind my back which is what I ended up doing.
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So is this movie more of a gory comedy, or do they try and surprise you with zombies popping up at random times? Trying to see if I can take my girlfriend to go see it this weekend. She's fine with gore, but not suspense.


At no point do they try to scare you. It's a gorey comedy.

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