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My Lulz of the day


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Lets start at the beginning. I was standing in line at the UDF gas station in front on tuttle mall. There is an out of order pump that has a trash can in front of it. Now I came into the story a bit in the middle but either this guy that is having a tiff moved it or some other customer moved it. But he is upset that gas sprayed all over his car while he was washing his windows. He wants a refund and the cashiers say a few times they can not offer one. Then this old man gets defensive and starts saying how they should run this station like a normal gas station etc etc. They tell him to leave and he keeps continuing. A finger and a stick of beef jerky was pointed at the old man from one of the cashiers... then lulz ensued. The old man grabs it and throws it and the cashier walks around the register cursing and ready to fight.


It was good times a few customers and I had to keep them from throwing a punch. Seriously if a store worker tells you to leave the store you need to do it. Really brings my piss to a boil I just want to buy my bag of doritos and be on my way. I bet the 6 other people behind me felt the same way.


It is too hot outside for this bullshit.

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You should have tossed a dollar into the air so that it flipped a couple of times and landed on the counter and just walk out and do all of this while walking in slow motion.


99cent bag of chips plus tax. they woudl call the cops on him for steeling for not paying it in full ha

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