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Most of the people who use Twitter just wish they were famous and that people actually care about what they ordered at McDonalds.


I can see where it'd be useful for salespeople and other positions, but it seems like the majority of the people who use it aren't doing that.

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I made a Twitter thread right before it's popularity explosion and it got shot down, I don't see you getting much further.


If you want to follow me though, I'm @MegamanEXE.


It came in really handy getting ahold of friends when I lost my cell service for about a month before I found a job. It wasn't invented as a way for people to stalk celebrities, but it has turned out that way, if you're on that side of things. The rest of us use it to see what our friends are up to.

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Is a watered down facebook? I don't have one but it seems usefull to stalk people I guess lol


It is like facebook's wall where you can write to people and also comment on other peoples comments. The comments show up to anyone who follows you.

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Have yet to see how it could be helpful in business. I like linked-in, email and SMS messages, but in the end I'm in sales and nothing beats just picking up the phone, setting an appointment and sitting across the table from a decision maker.
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i dont get the point of it, why would anyone care what i was doing at that exact moment. I havent even used it and dont plan on it


I guess a girl died using twitter today. She was tweeting or whatever the fuck its called and she was in the tub and her laptop slipped in the tub i guess.

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i dont get the point of it, why would anyone care what i was doing at that exact moment. I havent even used it and dont plan on it


I guess a girl died using twitter today. She was tweeting or whatever the fuck its called and she was in the tub and her laptop slipped in the tub i guess.


...died :confused:

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I use it heavily and find value in it for these reasons:


  • As an IT professional, I have made an incredible amount of industry contacts and learned quite a bit through the connections I make. Example: I attended a fantastic information security conference in Albany, NY last month hosted by the State of New York. It was $150, yet the quality and caliber of similar conferences is usually in the thousands. I would never have known about it if I didn't use Twitter.
  • Again, as an IT professional, many of these same contacts work for the largest IT vendors and providers (I.E. Dell, Microsoft) and they're ready and willing to help in real time. Example: Our ISP and collocation provider was having trouble connecting to a hosting provider called ThePlanet out of Texas. Rather than calling and sitting in some queue and talking to someone in India, I sent a message to ThePlanet's Twitter account and learned of peering issues with my provider from a real person - total time to resolution: three minutes.
  • If you like IRC, you'll like Twitter. It's IRC on a global scale.


Yes, Twitter has its share of spam and self-proclaimed "social media experts" but what social networking service doesn't? We get that shit on CR at different levels. Twitter makes my job easier, life more fun, and the hours I spend online more interesting. @cgreenoh

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my last tweets:


"omg he came out of no where! who bikes at 11pm? i guess i shouldnt drink and drive??"


10 mins later-


"he is not moving... i'm leaving"


i cant wait in a few im just gonna tweet - "time for another beer"


:lol: + Rep!

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