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PLEASE HELP! Vehicle Trailer Needed for tomorrow


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I need someones help! Im desperate! I have the truck to tow with, every u-haul in the city (and then some) is out of trailers for tomorrow. I need to go get my wrecked car ASAP and tomorrow is my only day off. Please call or PM me if you are able to help out. 614-975-9656 I will pay $$




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Well its at Nelson Ledges and given the situation i cant afford a $300 tow. I have a truck to use, I have $50 to give to borrow a trailer for 5hours, I will baby the trailer, and am very desperate. Thank You a ton if anyone can please help.
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Which U-haul??? Did u reserve one for tomorrow?? The 2 places i called said "there's none in ohio".


I called and reserved one. They said there were none in Columbus, but located one in Lancaster near the mall. Took like ten minutes.


Snap!! That's weird that anthony got one.... more to the story mabey?

Call them again ....


Nope, just called and requested one while at PPC.

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