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Anyone have a Pet with lung cancer?


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My dog had a very large "round tumor" grow on her side pop up about 2 months ago. We have it removed and we notice she has issues breathing.... we take her back in and we find that she has 5 tumors about an inch in diameter on her lungs and diaphram. 2 months ago when they searched her for them the one her her side was the only one that was found.


now we are noticing her having alot of difficulty breathing and she's constantly getting up and moving around.


everything that we looked up on round tumors was that they grow slowly and typically stick to one area.... so my question is, has anyone deal with lung cancer and if so what should we expect? And, is this getting bad so quickly typical? Litterally 2 months ago, she was out running in the back yard with my and my daughter while we played ball..



PS Watching your pet die slowly sucks!

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PS Watching your pet die slowly sucks!


Watching anyone or any pet grow old and deal with the trials they face is tough.


I'm going through so, so much now on a personal level with family that I'm losing sleep and weight.


All I can say is the hurt of bad times gets better in time, but it does leave a mark. I'm still dealing with past events and need to move on from them. It's rough. :(


Best of luck to you.

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Have you spoken with an Oncologist at OSU Vet Hospital? A very close family friend is the head Onco tech there, and they are very very good.
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Yep, actually my 14 year old doby was diagnosed with lung cancer in Oct last year. Prior to that he had a tumor on his spine that caused him to loose function of his back legs. We had it removed and the Dr. said that it may take him several weeks to walk again or even worse, he’d never be able to use his back legs. The damn dog defied everything and walked out of the hospital. Then when we took him back they found a very large growth and then a bunch of small growths in his lungs. We tried chemo for a few weeks since my G/F works at MedVet (other wise it would have been too expensive). It didn’t really help much and we had to keep him on a bunch of meds to help fight off the side affects of the treatment so we decided to stop the chemo. Then about a week or 2 later we have him looked over and find that he has another cancerous growth on his spine again… The doctors said he had about 2-4 months to live so we decided that we would just try and keep him comfortable until the time came. It’s been 9 months after his first diagnosis and 5 months longer then they gave him to live and he is STILL alive! :D… He’s slower now and stumbles every now and again on the kitchen floor. But he still runs along the fence out back and barks at kids on the playground. He still jumps around when I get home from work and he’s happy to see me. I worry about him and just hope he’s happy. I tell myself that if he stops playing or barking then his time is up… But I kind of just hope he passes on his own so I don’t have to make that call.
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Yep, actually my 14 year old doby was diagnosed with lung cancer in Oct last year. Prior to that he had a tumor on his spine that caused him to loose function of his back legs. We had it removed and the Dr. said that it may take him several weeks to walk again or even worse, he’d never be able to use his back legs. The damn dog defied everything and walked out of the hospital. Then when we took him back they found a very large growth and then a bunch of small growths in his lungs. We tried chemo for a few weeks since my G/F works at MedVet (other wise it would have been too expensive). It didn’t really help much and we had to keep him on a bunch of meds to help fight off the side affects of the treatment so we decided to stop the chemo. Then about a week or 2 later we have him looked over and find that he has another cancerous growth on his spine again… The doctors said he had about 2-4 months to live so we decided that we would just try and keep him comfortable until the time came. It’s been 9 months after his first diagnosis and 5 months longer then they gave him to live and he is STILL alive! :D… He’s slower now and stumbles every now and again on the kitchen floor. But he still runs along the fence out back and barks at kids on the playground. He still jumps around when I get home from work and he’s happy to see me. I worry about him and just hope he’s happy. I tell myself that if he stops playing or barking then his time is up… But I kind of just hope he passes on his own so I don’t have to make that call.

that's kind of how I feel.... unfortunlatey ours just lays there and has issues breathing and most of the time has trouble keeping her eyes open. I think we probably caught it alot later than one would have hoped.


so from what I'm reading we could have 2-9 months with her still?

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that's kind of how I feel.... unfortunlatey ours just lays there and has issues breathing and most of the time has trouble keeping her eyes open. I think we probably caught it alot later than one would have hoped.


so from what I'm reading we could have 2-9 months with her still?


It depends on what type of cancer it is. Certain types of cancers are more aggressive then other and are found in particular parts of the body. From what I understand lung cancer in Dogs is most often a slower type. Were something like liver cancer is more aggressive. That’s not to say that you can’t get an aggressive type of cancer in the lungs it just statistically the type of cancer that can develop in the lungs is a slower type. So unless they biopsy the tumor to find out what type it is you can’t really say how fast or slow it will grow/ spread. As for how long your dog can live… I don’t know. I’m sure it depends on a lot of things. After we were given the 2-4 month timeline we started acting like he was already dead and not enjoying him. We made the decision to stop all treatment and just let whatever happens, happen. All we wanted was a happy pain free dog who was still enjoying his life. When that ends for him or your dog I can’t say… All I can do is enjoy the time we have together.

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medvet is expensive as well. my yorkshire/malteese has acute lukemia and the gave him days to a couple weeks to live. that was 4 months ago and the treatments are helping prolong his life. the money does not bother us, but i hate to see my dog doing so well and not knowing when he is going to go. they told us at the best case he will not last more than 8 months. we are in myrtle right now and he is doing great. we have spent probably over 5k the last 4 months taking care of him. i would do anything to help him out. my parents had to put down their 6 yr old boxer because of a brain tumor. they regret trying to get him treatment.
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talk about fast.... we found out a week ago to the day... she passed away this morning around 9am.


RIP Lilly.... you will be missed!


this is the first animal that I've lost in my adult life.... it is so hard to lose them.

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