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explanes why traffic was heavy


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Guest tbutera2112
news didin't say they wern't sure why shots were fired yet and didn't know if the accident or the gun shots killed him


not what i heard


i heard there were "at least 20 shots fired" from the suspects vehicle, prior to the police firing on it and killing him, according to eye-witness accounts

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Yep, I heard this on the radio yesterday around 4:30ish. I thought, "Boy am I glad I don't live out east." It's sounded fake. A police chase/ crash and shooting… then Megatron transformed and engaged in an epic battle with the CPD, all the time they were trying to land a jet on the freeway…. Okay well some of that didn’t happen, but damn talk about a traffic nightmare.
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yeah I was just about to get on 70 east from 270 north when cops went flying past me and the helicopter was flying super low right abou 415 took me until 5:15 to get home why couldnt they have shot him before the freeway, it would of made things alot easier
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is it wrong to look at it that i don't have to pay to support him with my taxes?

No, it is logical. When I read the article, I was more pissed off that he wrecked into the Diesel Rig during the chase (he deserved to be shot for all the shit he had done). By doing that, he not only endangered other people but GODDAMNIT he wasted all that gasoline! He's ruining our economy! :gtfo:

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