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hyde park downtown


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I was there Wednesday with *nice* jeans, dress shoes, and a button-down - "business casual" is appropriate and acceptable.


Ive been in been in all the nicest resturants in columbus in flip flops and shorts.


Don't try it at Hyde Park. There was a guy in flops and shorts trying to get in with several well-dressed people and they flat denied him. Told him they would serve him at the bar. He was waiving a hundred at the host.

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what's the dress code? jacket and tie? jeans? dress pants? just a button down shirt?


*nice* business casual or dress casual (aka jacket, no tie). You could also pull off some really nice jeans with a jacket if the stylish look is for you. I say that as there are some that can't pull that shit off and look weird.


Key is don't embarrass yourself. Part of going to nice places is to dress the part and enjoy the service. Food is good too.

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