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help me annoy someone


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Whats your phone #

2215445 why?

What goes around comes around. :asshole:

pssss dont be cranky!

just send them texts with your horrible grammer and then they will be thoroughly annoyed

greg i will kill you the next time i see you


I'm sure that someone out there has written a script that exploits this website.

hmm thanks ill try this out


My first thought.


you drive a girly mr2 shut your pie hole

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I used to wardial people's pagers with a program I setup. It kept calling forever and then dialing whatever number sequence I wanted to add to the pager. Usually I did 666. I don't own a computer with a dial up modem or a home phone line so I can't help. But you can be nerdy enough if you REALLY want to annoy someone. Same concept do some digging on google for a wardialer. Have it add *67 and a pause before the phone number in your script and it will block caller id. Start it up then go to bed. Good times will be had for sure.
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What is a Neon to an MR2? A wrong wheel drive Girly car. :)

haha alright ill give you that.

sign them up for those "home based businesses". constant phone calls.

hmmm linky?

i will find the fuck head that did this shit to my phone!


wtf are you talking about?
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