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treadmill or eliptical?

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112
ive been tryin to lose weight, got on a diet that seems to be working abnormally well (15lbs my first week) but now i need to get some exercising in aside from UPS.... we have a nice eliptical here, is that better than a treadmill? trying to work on my running times so i can apply for the police academy when i turn 21 (year and a half from now)....also, does anyone have a treadmill for sale? must fold up... would be nice to have something i can bring downstairs to my room incase i want to use it at night
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I have a treadmill I bought from ant a few years ago. I have never one used it or even opened up for that matter so I dont even know if it works. If your really intersted, I can see if the wife wants it gone. Dont hold out to much hope for the police dept around here. There are to many well qualified guys on the waiting lists from what I hear.
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I like ellipticals, my gym has a machine kind of like a elliptical but its not. Its more like to pedals for your feet poles for yours hands. When you work out on it the pedals are at a fixed 45 degree angle and you just move them up and down. That thing works the hell out of my legs. I use that or an elliptical rarely do I get on a treadmill.


If you don't mind me asking what does your diet consisit of?

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Guest tbutera2112
ill sell ya a nice treadmill... ;)


PM details?


I have a treadmill I bought from ant a few years ago. I have never one used it or even opened up for that matter so I dont even know if it works. If your really intersted, I can see if the wife wants it gone. Dont hold out to much hope for the police dept around here. There are to many well qualified guys on the waiting lists from what I hear.


let me know...im also still in college, and i plan to finish my criminal justice degree... with this economy, ide like to have a backup for anything


I like ellipticals, my gym has a machine kind of like a elliptical but its not. Its more like to pedals for your feet poles for yours hands. When you work out on it the pedals are at a fixed 45 degree angle and you just move them up and down. That thing works the hell out of my legs. I use that or an elliptical rarely do I get on a treadmill.


If you don't mind me asking what does your diet consisit of?


nothing fancy..i bought slim fast powder and i follow the instructions on the can...shake for breakfast, snack, shake for lunch plus 200 calories, snack, light dinner, snack







i used my moms elliptical and it wasnt too bad...more stable than i expected, way easier than a treadmill though, because i know theres no way i can run a 5min mile on a treadmill...elliptical i turned resistance to 50% and ran it in 5min lol

Edited by tbutera2112
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Elliptical for sure. I've lost nearly 70 pounds by changing my diet and hitting the gym, primarily on the elliptical. But don't think diet alone can keep weight off. It takes a lifestyle change of eating habits and steady exercise to maintain a healthy weight. You can't do just one or the other and expect to be "fit". Good luck... :)
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I've lost 50 pounds over the last 8 months and I can show you how to do it too for the low low price of $49.99.


P.S. I use an eliptical/weights when it rains or snows. Going outside with the weather we have had until this week has been perfect.

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P.S. I use an eliptical/weights when it rains or snows. Going outside with the weather we have had until this week has been perfect.


Not a bad reason... although running in a light rain is the bee's knee's.


I'm a fucking heater, I've ran in 20deg weather with shorts and a tshirt.


I ski in the winter and don't really run or bike much if any in the winter, so that doesn't really concern me as much.

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ive been tryin to lose weight, got on a diet that seems to be working abnormally well (15lbs my first week) but now i need to get some exercising in aside from UPS.... we have a nice eliptical here, is that better than a treadmill? trying to work on my running times so i can apply for the police academy when i turn 21 (year and a half from now)....also, does anyone have a treadmill for sale? must fold up... would be nice to have something i can bring downstairs to my room incase i want to use it at night


Just wondering why are you waiting till your 21 to apply? Is it just a fitness goal?

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Get a stationary bike...Its a much better work out than the ellyptical...


I disagree big time with this. I burn a fraction of the calories on a stationary bike that I do on an elliptical. No way is the stationary bike better for you...

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The correct answer is: Use both and feel which is the better fit for you.


I regularly use a stationary bike, treadmill for walking (4.5mph, high incline; I don't run), and an elliptical for post-workout cardio. I feel best on the treadmill for my habits, with biking a close second. I don't like the feel of the elliptical and believe I don't get as good a workout versus the treadmill - it's harder to keep a steady heart rate and it just doesn't feel right for me.


FWIW, there is no law you have to just walk or run on a treadmill like a zombie. I do a lot of upper body on it too. The units at the YMCA (downtown) have a handle structure that allows me to grip it and basically do upper-body/muscle exercising; I put most of my weight into my arms and chest instead of my legs. I know it's working because I can keep the same heart rate at half the incline while doing it, and of course you feel muscle burn. Do that for five minutes straight and really put effort into it. I also walk backwards, sideways, etc.

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First off, congrats on the desire to change yourself. I've been working on it for a while now, and I know my resistance to fixing my diet rather than just making it better is my biggest hurdle, although I've been making good progress.


Everything you do needs to have the end result of raising metabolism, or maintaining muscle. The way you eat, and raising your heartrate for extended periods a day (20+ minutes) both raise metabolism. Protein is key in maintaining muscle mass during cardio. This stuff is wonderful, I use the chocolate. Have a shake before and after working out, then one or two more throughout the day.


Diet is at least 50% of the equation. Eat often, but small meals to raise metabolism. Eat 4-6 times a day (hard as fuck I know). Cut down on carbs and cut out sugar. Don't just drop to something stupid like 200 calories a day, your body will be so screwed up that when you start eating again you will quickly gain back every pound you lost. Try about 2,000 calories and see where that takes you. Drink at least a gallon of water a day to keep flushing everything out. That 15 pounds that you dropped already you probably sweated out more than anything, it was probably more water than fat.


Now then, if you want to get crazy about it, do the P90x like someone suggested. This is very intensive though, so you really need to be mentally prepared to do it. I haven't tried it, probably won't, but if you decide to I might know where you can download it.


Cardio + weight training is the ideal way to lose weight. While its true that you can't build muscle and lose weight at the same time, the key is to build some muscle mass, as it takes more energy (calories) to maintain muscle. I have a weight bench and dumbbells and all that, but to be honest I'd rather have a bowflex. I think I'd be able to do a wider range of exercises with one, while taking up less space in the house. Also, I bike on nice days, but I haven't figured out what to do when it gets cold out. I have no experience with an eliptical, but I'll take a stationary bike over a treadmill any day.


Don't get discouraged if your weight loss tapers off some, if you are losing 3 pounds a week you are doing fine. Of course, if you do get discouraged, there's always meth :D


Lastly, explore this site:



Every question you might have is probably answered on there, plus they sell all of the supplements you might want.



Start here:


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