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so i get to work......

Jizzle Juice

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Prolly this guy.



So he can help this guy



so he can



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Hmm... I work on the same floor as you and Paul so I wonder if this will be resolved by the time I get to work this evening. Did they evacuate the whole building?


No typical protocol for a BOMB threat is to just evacuate one random area of the building instead of the whole thing. :nono:

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No typical protocol for a BOMB threat is to just evacuate one random area of the building instead of the whole thing. :nono:
actually the building is sooo large at first thye didnt get teh WHOLE buidling out. but then decided to do so.


dam it was hot out there too

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It was interesting here. I was smoking outside of the A wing and the security lady was running around yelling EXTREMELY LOUD:


"everyone get away from the building for your own safety".


WTF? So we hang out for a good 20 minutes.


Come to find out they only evacuated HALF the damn building.


2 hours later they find it was a fucking projector with a timer on it and someone freaked out. It was in a conference room on the lower P wing.


Fucking idiots.

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I was there and it was craziness i just left after a while and went and got food as i was sick of waiting outside. I was amazed that they only evacuated half the building though i was like really chase do you not care about your employees lol. Snapped some pics of the bomb squad truck though. They said the device was something used to time presentations left in a conference room
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yay for the bomb squad truck.....its number 2 i wonder where number 1 was at lol



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