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Spotted: GT3


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Seriously? I think it flows pretty well for being what it is...


The city thought it worked so well they semi replicated it for the 161/270/subury rd renovation. Works much better now.


I think they both work pretty well for being such huge intersections.

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that whole intersection is one giant clusterfuck!


The only people who hate that intersection are the one's who dont understand which light is their's, its pretty damn simple and ALOT faster than the old alternative was (ive lived on this side of town for a long time). I have seen more than one drunk get pulled over for driving on the wrong side of the road there.

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The only people who hate that intersection are the one's who dont understand which light is their's, its pretty damn simple and ALOT faster than the old alternative was (ive lived on this side of town for a long time). I have seen more than one drunk get pulled over for driving on the wrong side of the road there.


OT: but I agree, the intersection works now that they have it's lights timed better. still not perfect because the city needs to time the surrounding lights at the intersections 1-2 lights up from there to change so that traffic can empty out of the transition zones.


Re: GT3

I'm not a fan of the graphics. The color I can live with, but any graphics on the side need to go.

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