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Obama + Joker = Socialism


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Just like when Vanity Fair gave Bush the exact same treatment?




Just like when I said


And those aren't justified either. Defacing our President and any symbol of this country is disrespectful and despicable.
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Example of people who can dish this stuff out all day, then can't take it. No matter how much people hated Bush, you can't tell me he was worse then Obama right now. This 1984 Big Brother stuff, this ridiculous health care plan, the ridiculous cash for clunkers that isn't doing anything to help.....come on.
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so if we were to look back 1 or 2 yrs of posts, we will not find you bashing bush similarly anywhere?


It's certainly a possibility that you would. If you look back through years of my posts you'll find a lot of things that I don't believe in or don't practice anymore. It's called maturing, and as one matures their patterns of thought change - hopefully for the better. In this case, I believe mine have matured for the better.

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It's certainly a possibility that you would. If you look back through years of my posts you'll find a lot of things that I don't believe in or don't practice anymore. It's called maturing, and as one matures their patterns of thought change - hopefully for the better. In this case, I believe mine have matured for the better.


I agree. I'm definitely an opposer to the CHANGE, however, I'm not a fan of defacing the leader of our country. I think it's easy enough to criticize the Obamanator's policies, that I don't think there's a point to defacing anyway.

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I could not be more tired of pseudo-intellectuals who boast an IQ of 80 referring to anyone with a dissenting opinion as a sheep.


If these fucking idiots would realize that their perceived revolutionary conceptual argument that they bring to the table is represented by a million other bobbing heads and political pundits, they might realize that the "sheep" shoe fits their foot too.

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I agree. I'm definitely an opposer to the CHANGE, however, I'm not a fan of defacing the leader of our country. I think it's easy enough to criticize the Obamanator's policies, that I don't think there's a point to defacing anyway.


It's certainly a possibility that you would. If you look back through years of my posts you'll find a lot of things that I don't believe in or don't practice anymore. It's called maturing, and as one matures their patterns of thought change - hopefully for the better. In this case, I believe mine have matured for the better.


I think we just have a difference of opinion. ALOT of people wouldn't neccessarily look at it as defacing the office of the president but rather an expression of his national policies. What do all the hippies always say? Art is just a form of expression? So if you and I can talk about how we dont agree or support his policies but someone else would rather display dissinterest in a picture or a cartoon whats the difference? WE have a freedom, a liberty of expression that we should take advantage of in ANY WAY POSSIBLE. I dont care if you want to sit down and have a town hall meeting or make a sculpture just the fact that your expressing your dissapproval means alot to this country. The day we lose that right, that ability is the day we should all fear.

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It's certainly a possibility that you would. If you look back through years of my posts you'll find a lot of things that I don't believe in or don't practice anymore. It's called maturing, and as one matures their patterns of thought change - hopefully for the better. In this case, I believe mine have matured for the better.



Wow.... next you will be turning queer....





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You're all ass-backwards and stupid.



Green, shut up. This country's actions for the last..... 60 years have been embarrassing. Something like this doesn't even qualify as on the radar. there will always be dissent, always.


Whitebread hilljacks, Shut up. Stop saying " I HATE DEM DURNED LIBBRELS SO MUCH, DAG-NABBIT!" The rest of the world is leaving you behind. Stop placing everyone who opposes your viewpoints into tiny boxes with labels, because it forces you to think in the same way.... and we'll never get anywhere with that attitude.



And yes, Im aware of the irony of calling you all whitebread hilljacks, then admonishing you for excessive labeling.

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I think we just have a difference of opinion. ALOT of people wouldn't neccessarily look at it as defacing the office of the president but rather an expression of his national policies. What do all the hippies always say? Art is just a form of expression? So if you and I can talk about how we dont agree or support his policies but someone else would rather display dissinterest in a picture or a cartoon whats the difference? WE have a freedom, a liberty of expression that we should take advantage of in ANY WAY POSSIBLE. I dont care if you want to sit down and have a town hall meeting or make a sculpture just the fact that your expressing your dissapproval means alot to this country. The day we lose that right, that ability is the day we should all fear.


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You're all ass-backwards and stupid.



Green, shut up. This country's actions for the last..... 60 years have been embarrassing. Something like this doesn't even qualify as on the radar. there will always be dissent, always.


Whitebread hilljacks, Shut up. Stop saying " I HATE DEM DURNED LIBBRELS SO MUCH, DAG-NABBIT!" The rest of the world is leaving you behind. Stop placing everyone who opposes your viewpoints into tiny boxes with labels, because it forces you to think in the same way.... and we'll never get anywhere with that attitude.



And yes, Im aware of the irony of calling you all whitebread hilljacks, then admonishing you for excessive labeling.


I voted but not for McCain or Obama so don't call me a hilljack you different thinking smarty pants person.



We have a name for people liek you its called "FAG". I love labels they turn me on fap fap :eek:

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This country's actions for the last..... 60 years have been embarrassing.



So what is it that you are doing to make this country not so embarrassing?


I have to say Im not embarrassed of my Country. And I dont feel that way. Ones with this attitude are the ones that got us where we are. Let someone else do it, then pass the blame when something goes wrong.

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This country's actions for the last..... 60 years have been embarrassing.


I somewhat agree with this, but I'd say 50 years is a more accurant time frame. I believe the pussification of America, its citizens, and those chosen to lead us began around the same time that the media started showing everyone what war was "really" like. :rolleyes:


Almost everyone will agree that the WWII/Korean war generation was one of the greatest that has ever lived. As a Soldier, Marine, or Sailor during that time, when you came home, people celebrated. Victory in war was also celebrated. I don't think that the average civilian has the mental capacity to truly understand combat, especially when seated safely on their couches watching it on CNN, and therefore have no right to become outraged like they did during Vietnam and every war to follow. This country has been going down hill far longer than most realize. Hell, before many of us were even born.


As for disrespectful posters of our President... do you really think that Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, or Grant were never depicted in some sort of satirical comic? Art is expression, expression is a form of speech, and free speech is granted to the American people by the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Its right there, in black and white...

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All I have to say is I'm still waiting for this "CHANGE" all of us were promised. That pictures is amusing, is it demeaning to the president well of course but that has been done for ages. I just wish everyone would get their heads out of their asses and do what is BEST for the country and not what is going to make their career bigger and better. It almost seems as if since Obama was elected that he reached the milestone as being the first African-American to hold presidental office that his notch in history is there and nothing else needs to be done. Unfortunately thats not the case since the "super-nation" is the laughing stock of the whole entire world.
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