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Another worthwhile police chase...


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2 adults and teir 5 children were in a truck and 3 adults in a seperate vehicle. I wonder what kind of truck it was. Possibly a 2 door with children sitting all over the cab.


Thats what I'm thinking, that would explain how they got ejected.

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So you blame the police for that dimwit running and causing 7 deaths, are you serious?


Completely serious. I blame the police for the chase, which led to the accident. It seems that far too often, a police chase leads to innocent bystanders getting whacked. Is catching the guy that's running really worth those 4 kids lives?


I think the police get a bit over zealous at times. Let the guy go, because it's really not worth it.

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Completely serious. I blame the police for the chase, which led to the accident. It seems that far too often, a police chase leads to innocent bystanders getting whacked. Is catching the guy that's running really worth those 4 kids lives?


I think the police get a bit over zealous at times. Let the guy go, because it's really not worth it.

I am going to guess that if those people that ran were driving a car they stole from you, your tune would change dramatically.


Or if those same people in the car had just robbed/raped your mother.


Or were wanted for killing someone in your family.


All of a sudden, it becomes a whole different story, doesn't it? People normally run because they are innocent. They usually run because they have done something (beyond the traffic citation) that they don't want to be caught for.

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I am going to guess that if those people that ran were driving a car they stole from you, your tune would change dramatically.


Or if those same people in the car had just robbed/raped your mother.


Or were wanted for killing someone in your family.


All of a sudden, it becomes a whole different story, doesn't it? People normally run because they are innocent. They usually run because they have done something (beyond the traffic citation) that they don't want to be caught for.


I agree with you but the story clearly states the chase started after police attempted to stop the car for a traffic violation, if it were a wanted felon, or a stolen car, or something more serious it would have said that. Would it have made it worth 7 lives, including 4 children, no but it would have been at least a little better. It says the 3 people in the car are unidentified, if they were wanted the police would have tried to make themselves look better by saying "hey, atleast there is one more suspected bank robber off the streets and released their names.


You know they always brag when they get someone they want, like the other week when that guy hit the semi head on on 70 and got in a shoot out with CPD. Before the road was even open the LAPD had a team of detectives on a plane coming here and numerous press conferences set up to let everyone know. "Hey it took shutting down 6 lanes of traffic on a major freeway 2500 miles away in Ohio, a $100k semi totalled, hundreds of man hours and short notice airfare for a bunch of pigs but hey, we got our man."

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The article says that the ages and identities of all three men in the chase vehicle were unknown. If they were minors, their identities will not be released. Besides, why must the police automatically release info to the media? Last time I checked, they work for the city or state, not CNN.
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I agree with you but the story clearly states the chase started after police attempted to stop the car for a traffic violation

How do you tihnk a number of criminals are caught? Nail them for a traffic violation, find out they have warrents on them, and take them in.


They likely couldn't pull the plate if the car was running...car could be stolen.


Just because CNN isn't given that info doesn't mean there isn't more to the story.

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theres no way the police were at fault there. the fault is no ones but the driver's. however, I think there certainly is a line that gets crossed that cops can't see. the experience of being a police officer naturally lends itself to paranoia, suspicion, and a certain sense of omnipotence. they believe that a stolen truck is worth pursuing because it could be a master criminal behind the wheel trying to evade arrest. they fail to see that 12 cop cars flying after a criminal may cause more damage than just letting the guy get away.
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I am going to guess that if those people that ran were driving a car they stole from you, your tune would change dramatically.


Or if those same people in the car had just robbed/raped your mother.


Or were wanted for killing someone in your family.


All of a sudden, it becomes a whole different story, doesn't it? People normally run because they are innocent. They usually run because they have done something (beyond the traffic citation) that they don't want to be caught for.


Ummm, not to really start shit here, but


1. If it was my stolen car, I wouldn't want it involved in a chase where some d-bag thief beat the hell out of it and could potentially total it.


2. No matter how much I love my car, I'd hate to see innocent people die as a result of trying to retrieve stolen property that can be replaced.


3. How good and how much faith do you have in the police if you mean to tell me after a rape, robbery or stolen car that the only way they can catch the person is by chasing after them in a car at high speeds? I’m sure there would be plenty of evidence to find who did it after the fact.


4. Why put innocent by standards in danger because of a traffic violation. Sure they’re probably not running just because they didn’t signal. But hell you can radio ahead to other cops and follow them/ get their license plate and description of car. You don’t have to ride their ass at 75-80 mph down side streets, what the hell are you goanna do then anyway?

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theres no way the police were at fault there. the fault is no ones but the driver's. however, I think there certainly is a line that gets crossed that cops can't see. the experience of being a police officer naturally lends itself to paranoia, suspicion, and a certain sense of omnipotence. they believe that a stolen truck is worth pursuing because it could be a master criminal behind the wheel trying to evade arrest. they fail to see that 12 cop cars flying after a criminal may cause more damage than just letting the guy get away.



Bingo. I'm not saying the police were at fault, but the high speed chases aren't needed; find another way to catch them. I get the feeling that the police do it because they can, and it gets their rocks off.

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I get the feeling that the police do it because they can, and it gets their rocks off.


I don't quite see it this way. I feel like police action these days is less for the direct "public good" and more towards the "optimal results". There's a ton of pressure on police precincts to put away criminals (the more notable the better!) and raise capital through ticketing, etc. If they can't meet certain expectations, their state and federal funding may dry up, or may not be substantial enough to keep pay at a reasonable rate.



Now, that's not to say there aren't some retardedly well funded police outfits out there (looking your way, Gahanna) whose reason for doing their job with maximum results is so they can afford pay raises every year with a new fleet of vehicles to match. But especially in a place like Columbus where city PD is having a well publicized funding crisis, I can see the reason for having a very determined approach to bringing in criminals.


edit: This is also the reason I think the war on drugs is so huge. Its a self-perpetuating investigation where each cycle is ended through a nearly identical mechanism. DEA or local PDs arrest drug users, get someone to turn on a dealer. Arrest dealer(s) and use information to sting supplier. Arrest supplier and use information to sting trafficker. And repeat and repeat and repeat and you see why the DEA always gets results and gets a shit ton of federal funding.

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Its like sometimes when your watching those police chase shows on Spike or something. I've seen quite a few occasions where they say that its too risky to chase because of a town or something where there are intersections. Dunno if the crash we're talking about was in a busy area or not, but if so, no sense in chasing crazy people through it
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find another way to catch them.


Okay, HOW? Round the clock GPS tracking of every single person in the USA? Constant helicopter patrols? Because all a criminal has to do is keep moving SLIGHTLY FASTER than the cops are allowed to go, and eventually they'll be out of sight for long enough to get away. The reason they run NOW is because they know that if they get crazy enough, the police are required to back off, and they have at least a chance to get away. There is no reason for them NOT to try running. "Go ahead and run, you'll just.....well, get away with your loot and commit more crimes. But everybody else can hug their fuzzy bunnies!"

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Bingo. I'm not saying the police were at fault, but the high speed chases aren't needed; find another way to catch them. I get the feeling that the police do it because they can, and it gets their rocks off.


You are a simpleton son, you need to get out there and see the real world, if the cops let them go and 30 seconds later the offenders plowed into your family at 90 mph you would be the first to bitch that they didn't persist and save your family.


Find another way huh, hey we are all waiting with baited breath for this wonderful idea that every cop and politician has been trying to find for hundreds of years, but you're right saying makes it so much easier. How about I say "Grow Up" Now just do it.


Police do not enjoy driving in this way in dangerous conditions, probably less than you do (bet that hit a nerve). If you think they get their rocks off by this you are just a fool. That is not an insult it is a statement from one who knows how hard it is to make such choices.


What choices have you ever had to make, Coco pops or Special K for breakfast.


Those cops will be devastated by this incident and I for one hope they can get over it and back to their thankless and unappreciated duties. We need them out there for when you decide to run...well it will everyone elses fault wont it.

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Ummm, not to really start shit here, but


1. If it was my stolen car, I wouldn't want it involved in a chase where some d-bag thief beat the hell out of it and could potentially total it.


What if it was a car load of gangbangers who were en route to kill your family members?


2. No matter how much I love my car, I'd hate to see innocent people die as a result of trying to retrieve stolen property that can be replaced.


What if they had a trunk load of Cocaine and were headed to the local school yard to sell it?


3. How good and how much faith do you have in the police if you mean to tell me after a rape, robbery or stolen car that the only way they can catch the person is by chasing after them in a car at high speeds? I’m sure there would be plenty of evidence to find who did it after the fact.


Really explain the top 10 most wanted, it is easy to hide, besides do you really think they will then go back to obeying the traffic laws


4. Why put innocent by standards in danger because of a traffic violation. Sure they’re probably not running just because they didn’t signal. But hell you can radio ahead to other cops and follow them/ get their license plate and description of car. You don’t have to ride their ass at 75-80 mph down side streets, what the hell are you goanna do then anyway?


Traffic stops result in more arrests for serious crime than all criminal investigations do, it is a fact, not every crime scene has fingerprints, life is not like CSI Miami. Have you ever heard of false tags? Radioing ahead can work, but usually there is more than one situation going on at a time unlike on TV. That said a situation which is becoming increasingly dangerous is usually stopped by the radio operators


My point is cops NEVER know what is going on when they stop a car or walk into any situation. This is why the most dreaded cop duty and most dangerous is a domestic, it can be a tiff over a cup of coffee or a wigged out druggie with an axe, I know I have been to both.

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