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Removing Odors (cigarette smoke)


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A relative just bought a new car that smelled suspiciously of cherries. Now that she's owned it for a week, the overpowering cherry smell is gone, and has been replaced with stale cigarette smoke (obviously was a smoker's car and the odor had just been masked by the dealership's cherry). The car's an 07, so it hadn't been smoked in for long.


What's the best way to permanently get rid of it (NOT cover it up)? Are there any products to use? Do I need to remove the seats and just saturate them with soapy water? Can we use a household steam cleaner? I read something online about an ozone generator, but that sounds pretty wild.


Please advise!

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I bought this stuff at auto zone its in the air conditioning section freon,chargekits, you spray it in you cowl vent and run your air and it cleans out cigrette,mold and mildew smells out and it did work Are new suv we bought smelled like smoke got the stink out
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I totally agree with the two suggestions above. I also have an commercial ozone generator that you can use if your other attempts fail.


Sounds good. I'm going to start with the easiest fixes, and work my way up.


That ozone generator is pretty cool. I did a little wikipedia research, and it's interesting how the oxygen molecules attach to contaminants in the air and change their molecular structure.


I also saw that ozone, in consumer products, is not at a high enough concentration to clean. According to wiki, it doesn't do much "cleaning" unless it is at levels where it would be a public health hazard. Do you think that I could make my car a public health hazard for an hour, and then let it air out for a couple hours?

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I've had reasonable success with baking soda, I rubbed about 2lbs of the stuff into the carpets of the affected car, left it over night and then removed it with a shop vac.

Not a total cure but it cut the level of stink down to a mild irritation rather than an intolerable stench.

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