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So...Does Vick deserve the right to play?


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Yes i feel that he has the right to play in the nfl. I feel that he did the crime and did his time. Everyone are such fairweather fans. Look at maurice claurette , did everyone love him before the guy totally went retarded? yes, Mike tyson before he went retarded. Now he should never have been allowed to fight again for his ear chomping in the ring,but did he fight again? yes he did. and why because people loved to watch him fuck people up. There have been plenty of stars that have made mistakes in there lifes, hell everyone has done something stupid before. some more severe than others but people arent perfect.
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I dont think he should be able to play another game in his life. What he did was inhumane, dog fighting part is not the worst of his crimes. He had raping posts, where female dogs get raped by male dogs all day long. He had the weak and smaller dogs go into to a ring and make his fighting dog go and kill the smaller ones to build up the fighting dog's confidence. Not to mention the abuse he put into many dogs.


Think of it like this, would you want a rapist work at a school? Thief to work at a bank? By him playing for another team will only encourage his previous crime.

A rapist is in a different category then a dog-fighter. I think that someone that is willing to commit cruelty is not necessarily bound naturally to doing it. I think a rapist has something fundamentally wrong with them to want to be forceful on another human; I do not think they can be rehabilitated. I can not say for sure if Vick has any desire to return to his old ways, but I believe he at least regrets it and won't do it again; whether or not that is because he was caught or because he has actually changed makes little difference.

anyone ever consider that he probably sucks by now since he hasnt been playing

I bet his talent is still there, but he will need a lot of conditioning. It depends on how he carried himself when he was in prison.

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More dogs are killed in China on a daily basis to eat, than in America on a daily for "Humaine" reasons, but everone still buys products "Made in Communist China" some of these comments are really laughable. Vic did a bad thing, Ok I get that, but lets not forget he went to jail because Uncle Sam didn't get a piece of the pie(Illegal Gambling) and nothing else. (Anyone here ever gambled illegaly?)

As for being a role model, its the same as the music your kids listen to, if you dont like them doing it, step up and be a parent and dont let the TV/Radio do you job for you. Football is a bussiness like anything else, if they can make money at it they are going to, if you dont like it, dont watch it, nobodys forcing you to.

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More dogs are killed in China on a daily basis to eat, than in America on a daily for "Humaine" reasons, but everone still buys products "Made in Communist China" some of these comments are really laughable. Vic did a bad thing, Ok I get that, but lets not forget he went to jail because Uncle Sam didn't get a piece of the pie(Illegal Gambling) and nothing else. (Anyone here ever gambled illegaly?)

As for being a role model, its the same as the music your kids listen to, if you dont like them doing it, step up and be a parent and dont let the TV/Radio do you job for you. Football is a bussiness like anything else, if they can make money at it they are going to, if you dont like it, dont watch it, nobodys forcing you to.

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I dont think he should be able to play another game in his life. What he did was inhumane, dog fighting part is not the worst of his crimes. He had raping posts, where female dogs get raped by male dogs all day long. He had the weak and smaller dogs go into to a ring and make his fighting dog go and kill the smaller ones to build up the fighting dog's confidence. Not to mention the abuse he put into many dogs.


Think of it like this, would you want a rapist work at a school? Thief to work at a bank? By him playing for another team will only encourage his previous crime.



Yeah and I guess all female dogs that are used for breeding open their legs with no problem. Ive personally seen a breeder of dobermans force the female into submission so the male can dip his wick...Even as dark as I am I was a little disturbed watching it happen. Guess what, I bought a dog from that same person...


Any dog that is forced to have babies so that they can be sold is being raped. Mike Vick didnt create the problem he just capitalized on it...

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A rapist is in a different category then a dog-fighter. I think that someone that is willing to commit cruelty is not necessarily bound naturally to doing it. I think a rapist has something fundamentally wrong with them to want to be forceful on another human; I do not think they can be rehabilitated.


Yes you are right, people who abuse animal are in the category of serial rapist and murderers.


Only thing he probably regret like any other people who done some thing wrong is getting caught.


Breeding dogs are whole different problem that could relate to supremacy, slavery, rape, and more dogs leading to euthanasia.

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More dogs are killed in China on a daily basis to eat, than in America on a daily for "Humaine" reasons, but everone still buys products "Made in Communist China" some of these comments are really laughable. Vic did a bad thing, Ok I get that, but lets not forget he went to jail because Uncle Sam didn't get a piece of the pie(Illegal Gambling) and nothing else. (Anyone here ever gambled illegaly?)

As for being a role model, its the same as the music your kids listen to, if you dont like them doing it, step up and be a parent and dont let the TV/Radio do you job for you. Football is a bussiness like anything else, if they can make money at it they are going to, if you dont like it, dont watch it, nobodys forcing you to.


I don't condone killing a dog for food but this is acceptable in many countries. If you kill it for food and you actually eat it and not let it go to waste then more power to you.

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More dogs are killed in China on a daily basis to eat, than in America on a daily for "Humaine" reasons, but everone still buys products "Made in Communist China" some of these comments are really laughable.

So killing an animal quickly in order to eat it is somehow equivalent to beating, torturing, and working it daily to exhaustion, then throwing them in a pit to fight for it's life and suffer horrible injuries time and time again, merely for the enjoyment of some piece of human filth, until it either dies in the ring or is so badly injured that the owner kills it in the cruelest manner possible?


And how the hell do you figure he's any different than a rapist? Do "normal" people stab, beat, electrocute, and drown dogs just because they don't win a fight? Do you? Do you think you even COULD do that? I couldn't. I've put down animals because they were in pain, and I've shot animals while hunting, but no way in hell could I bring myself to do even a tenth of the shit he did. Fuck, I feel guilty if I think I slapped the cat too hard for being on the counter.

No, I do not think he should be playing football. Just like a child molester, he has proven himself to be an aberrant human being, and just like a child molester, his crimes SHOULD follow him.


BTW, I don't feel the need to explain any logical disconnect between my views of meat animals, and animals raised to be pets. If that doesn't fit your ideals about these kind of arguments, tough shit.

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... and working it daily to exhaustion, then throwing them in a pit to fight for it's life and suffer horrible injuries time and time again, merely for the enjoyment of some piece of human filth....


You just explained the NFL, NHL, MMA, and professional boxing.

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IMO the league should grow a pair of ethical balls and tell him to fuck off. However, the whole industry is driven by the almighty dollar, thus they won't if they stand a chance at making money off of him.


He's no different than a large percentage of the league...ignorant punks with money to do about the only thing they know how to do, play football. They then in turn surround themselves with material things and act like they own the world are invincible, forgetting that they are really just overpaid thugs living the stereotypical life that MTV calls entertainment.

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Just like a child molester, he has proven himself to be an aberrant human being, and just like a child molester, his crimes SHOULD follow him.


And the crime will follow him for a long time, but what the hell does that have to do with the nfl and football? and this coming from a guy whos avatar is a guy sucking a cat up his nose with a straw. you forgot your disclaimer that no animal was harmed.

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He's no different than a large percentage of the league...ignorant punks with money to do about the only thing they know how to do, play football. They then in turn surround themselves with material things and act like they own the world are invincible, forgetting that they are really just overpaid thugs.


Stereotype much? There are a lot of college educated men in the NFL that are business men on the side. I guess we can blame the media for your views since they rarely do stories of the 97% of the people that are upstanding citizens of their community. The ones that volunteer extra time, get involved in charities, and do good with their money get 1% of the air time because its boring.

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Stereotype much? There are a lot of college educated men in the NFL that are business men on the side. I guess we can blame the media for your views since they rarely do stories of the 97% of the people that are upstanding citizens of their community. The ones that volunteer extra time, get involved in charities, and do good with their money get 1% of the air time because its boring.


I stand by my believe that there are far more thugs than businessmen....which is a term they typically like to "believe" they are :rolleyes: It's a fact that nearly 80% of all NFL players are divorced, bankrupt or unemployed two years after leaving the game. It's also a fact that 50% of NFL players only play pro ball more than 3 yrs.


I have a friend here in Columbus that used to play pro ball and fell into that category. He was also associated with a support group that got some major play until about 3 yrs ago when they too disbanded. He now has a legit career in motivational speaking but admits the move is tough and that unfortunately the majority of the players are treated like the very dogs Vick owned. Used, abused and kicked to the curb with little value left in them.


The sad thing is most had nearly nothing other than a dream, so even if they don't make it, they had more than they ever expected. Do many make it good and live the good life and become professionals. Sure, and I'm very proud of Eddie George, a friend, classmate and intern buddy of mine from back in the day, but the truth is, he's truly the exception. Most don't make it.

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I stand by my believe that there are far more thugs than businessmen....which is a term they typically like to "believe" they are :rolleyes: It's a fact that nearly 80% of all NFL players are divorced, bankrupt or unemployed two years after leaving the game. It's also a fact that 50% of NFL players only play pro ball more than 3 yrs.


I have a friend here in Columbus that used to play pro ball and fell into that category. He was also associated with a support group that got some major play until about 3 yrs ago when they too disbanded. He now has a legit career in motivational speaking but admits the move is tough and that unfortunately the majority of the players are treated like the very dogs Vick owned. Used, abused and kicked to the curb with little value left in them.


The sad thing is most had nearly nothing other than a dream, so even if they don't make it, they had more than they ever expected. Do many make it good and live the good life and become professionals. Sure, but most don't.


I would like to see the report showing the percentage of former players unemployed, divorced, and bankrupt. If you have proof there is no reason to debate this topic. Being divorced or bankrupt doesnt make you a thug. It makes you a poor financial planner that picked the wrong woman (gold diggers cough cough).

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It was a joke, go iron your panties they seem to have bunched..


My bad on that one, but come on, with the level of this conversation, can you blame me for missing the sarcasm?


I would like to see the report showing the percentage of former players unemployed, divorced, and bankrupt. If you have proof there is no reason to debate this topic. Being divorced or bankrupt doesnt make you a thug. It makes you a poor financial planner that picked the wrong woman (gold diggers cough cough).


I can't name a source, but there have been numerous articles and reports talking about the high percentage(nowhere near 80% but still high), of athletes who go rapidly broke after their career ends. They keep spending the same way they did when they were playing, and rapidly go bankrupt.

It's the same kind ofthing that happens with lottery winners.

The thing is, I've also seen a couple where the writers state that the longer a player's career is, or the lower he was on the pay-scale, the more chance they have of staying solvent...

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BTW, I don't feel the need to explain any logical disconnect between my views of meat animals, and animals raised to be pets. If that doesn't fit your ideals about these kind of arguments, tough shit.



Its really nice to be at the top of the food chain isn't it? Your boring.

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My bad on that one, but come on, with the level of this conversation, can you blame me for missing the sarcasm?




I can't name a source, but there have been numerous articles and reports talking about the high percentage(nowhere near 80% but still high), of athletes who go rapidly broke after their career ends. They keep spending the same way they did when they were playing, and rapidly go bankrupt.

It's the same kind ofthing that happens with lottery winners.

The thing is, I've also seen a couple where the writers state that the longer a player's career is, or the lower he was on the pay-scale, the more chance they have of staying solvent...


I looked back at the post and noticed I forgot to add a smiley at the end. My bad, with the level of debate there was no way to tell I was messing around.


Not having money still doesnt make one a thug. True I was looking more at the people that make a career out if it rather than the people that pass through... but calling them thugs because they cant manage money is ignorant. If they start robbing people after they go bankrupt then they are thugs.

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im glad vick is back, he did his time, i just love how that is made to be such a major contorversy when people are still losing there jobs and the economy is in the shitter. more peda people will pay to go to the games to boo vick which in turn will put more money in his pocket. ahhh the irony. if your really that mad that this man is making money you need to focus more on yourself and try and step your game up
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Not having money still doesnt make one a thug. True I was looking more at the people that make a career out if it rather than the people that pass through... but calling them thugs because they cant manage money is ignorant. If they start robbing people after they go bankrupt then they are thugs.

Oh, definitely agreed, notice I didn't say anything to support the "thug" issue...but I do think the money and celebrity status do contribute to a lot of the problems these guys get themselves into.

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