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So...Does Vick deserve the right to play?


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There was no what if. The guy knew the playbook, never missed a practice, and even tried to help the other guy. When you come from money and your parents donate a lot to the school it gives you the upper hand in tryouts.


P.S. Saying you play raquetball at a high level is like bragging about beating someone at tetherball.



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he wasnt a real problem until after the season was over. again talent takes you so far, but if it becomes to big of a problem then you are not worth the risk.



rip shawn taylor.

what do you mean he wasnt a big problem? he was seen numerous times yelling back at his coaches on national tv. The media didnt show there was a problem but everyone that saw his anticts on the sideline during games knew he was a problem. hell i saw him on the sideline push one of the coaches down. now that is a problem.
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again there is more to that story than you read on the brief headline.

1. the guy ran into the middle of the street in the blind view of stallworths car, rather he was drinking that nite or not the probabilty of him getting in the same result was high.

2. dre bly did the same thing, and guess what hes still playing strong.

3. should every athlete get the ban hammer if they make a mistake? i hope no one that judges ever has anything unnexpected happen to them cause people have been so judgmental and only know the minute details


I know the story, the guy tried to run across the equivilent of i-270. i have NO compassion for people who kill people while driving drunk, but getting hit head-on by someone that could barely walk makes me a little biased.

fuck bly too, i didnt know about that.


I know the details, people are so judgmental when they assume that people dont know details. :)

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what do you mean he wasnt a big problem? he was seen numerous times yelling back at his coaches on national tv. The media didnt show there was a problem but everyone that saw his anticts on the sideline during games knew he was a problem. hell i saw him on the sideline push one of the coaches down. now that is a problem.




yes but that can be contained, natl media cannot

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theres no proof that was the case, thats just an easy cop out. there was somthing there that wasnt on the up and up, no coach is going to put his career on the line.


Think about all the Ohio State coaches that play the wrong person for years and still keep their jobs.. especially quarterbacks. Think of the talented running backs that sit the bench while fumbling idiots get put in the game turnover after turnover. Its just the way it is.

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Think about all the Ohio State coaches that play the wrong person for years and still keep their jobs.. especially quarterbacks. Think of the talented running backs that sit the bench while fumbling idiots get put in the game turnover after turnover. Its just the way it is.




hilarious, neither you or i are at these practices, but if the rb fumbles during the game you scream put the other rb in. how do you know that the other rb doesnt have the great vision or doesnt block well? its just a guess, your not at practice with them every day, you dont know the players that well, you just know what the video game ratings are:bangbang:

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hilarious, neither you or i are at these practices, but if the rb fumbles during the game you scream put the other rb in. how do you know that the other rb doesnt have the great vision or doesnt block well? its just a guess, your not at practice with them every day, you dont know the players that well, you just know what the video game ratings are:bangbang:


lmfao awesome.......... i find myself saying why the fuck do they have that guy in he is only a 87 speed 76 agility. lol good shit

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hilarious, neither you or i are at these practices, but if the rb fumbles during the game you scream put the other rb in. how do you know that the other rb doesnt have the great vision or doesnt block well? its just a guess, your not at practice with them every day, you dont know the players that well, you just know what the video game ratings are:bangbang:


Who is the former player that does the psot game for OSU games. He's how I know what goes on in practice when he tell the coaches how stupid they are in his post game. When he says stuff like "you should have played this guy" or "you knew this would happen he's been fumbling in practices and games all season". Is it Demetrius Stanley?

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Who is the former player that does the psot game for OSU games. He's how I know what goes on in practice when he tell the coaches how stupid they are in his post game. When he says stuff like "you should have played this guy" or "you knew this would happen he's been fumbling in practices and games all season". Is it Demetrius Stanley?


yes and we saw how far he went, from the bench to a pt news cridict. real easy to judge when your not the one on the field. stanley is a puppet lets just get that out right now. they needed someone who used to play to be some what relevent and all he does is give bias broadcasting. i take his knowledge very very seriously:rolleyes:

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Who is the former player that does the psot game for OSU games. He's how I know what goes on in practice when he tell the coaches how stupid they are in his post game. When he says stuff like "you should have played this guy" or "you knew this would happen he's been fumbling in practices and games all season". Is it Demetrius Stanley?


yes it is. the dude with the funky suites. always bling bling n. yep tis him

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yes and we saw how far he went, from the bench to a pt news cridict. real easy to judge when your not the one on the field. stanley is a puppet lets just get that out right now. they needed someone who used to play to be some what relevent and all he does is give bias broadcasting. i take his knowledge very very seriously:rolleyes:


Damn you have an excuse for everything. So a guy that does see the practices comments and its still invalid. Ok well how about the other Buckeye experts that agree with him or.. nevermind you will just keep making excuses. Go back to spanking your monkey and leave the sports talk to people that play real sports...




A little advice... You may want to slow down on the self pleasure before you give yourself tennis elbow and lose your starting position. Or is this how you train in the off season? :lol:

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Damn you have an excuse for everything. So a guy that does see the practices comments and its still invalid. Ok well how about the other Buckeye experts that agree with him or.. nevermind you will just keep making excuses. Go back to spanking your monkey and leave the sports talk to people that play real sports...




A little advice... You may want to slow down on the self pleasure before you give yourself tennis elbow and lose your starting position. ;) Or is this how you train in the off season?

come on now keep those gloves up. lol



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Actually I forfeit, I dont like the idea of arguing with a man typing on sticky keys... it makes me feel dirty.


Phil you make me feel dirty!!!!! He came to my house, pulled out a dildo and tried to claim it was mine while throwing it at my dog. If you ask me he's worse than Mike Vick, he made my dog play fetch with a fake penis!!!

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Actually I forfeit, I dont like the idea of arguing with a man typing on sticky keys... it makes me feel dirty.


Phil you make me feel dirty!!!!!


this comes from the guy who plays fetch with the dog with your dildo? i make you feel dirty? ahahahahahahahaha, you had a dildo out while i was at your house. your a sick sick man

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Not having money still doesnt make one a thug. True I was looking more at the people that make a career out if it rather than the people that pass through... but calling them thugs because they cant manage money is ignorant. If they start robbing people after they go bankrupt then they are thugs.


I'll take back my thug comment and just plain call a large number of them poorly educated, very good football players who are paid a lot of money. By definition they are ignorant and thus is why so many can't manage money and make good decisions, thus leading to broken homes and bankruptcy.

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I'll take back my thug comment and just plain call a large number of them poorly educated, very good football players who are paid a lot of money. By definition they are ignorant and thus is why so many can't manage money and make good decisions, thus leading to broken homes and bankruptcy.


I wouldn't say poorly educated either, they have had more schooling than me, they went to college, some have degrees and some don't, but they had to be eligible, so they had to take classes. They know what is right and wrong. It's poor choices in life, bottom line. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. If looking cool to you friends is more important to you than playing ball and succeeding then there is no amount of school or mentoring that can help. Some people can't make good decisions. I am related to a couple of these people. :o

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how can you say that these people are over paid? they have a special talent that is rare and uniquie. one that deserves to be payed for if you want to obtain the skills. that is like saying the top car tech is over payed cause hes just working on cars. well if you dont want the best then go to the guy who just works on cars as a job not as a craft. there is a difference. the nfl is the elite player. you fucks forget that and just think its a game. no it takes a special person that dedicated themself to being the best and they deserve every fucking penny. boooo yeah


People who argue they are overpaid aren't saying the players aren't good at his game. The point is the "value" they bring isn't as much as other professions. He is actually by definition NOT a true Professional either. He hardly conforms to he standards because he completely lacks professional behavior. Right now he's no different than you or me who are "professionals" (being paid) to do our jobs.


The teams, league and others in the NFL world that Benefit from them $$ pay them and in the end that value to those corporations is what gets them the money they make. However from a real world value....they aren't worth nearly what they may in comparison to other professionals.


I look at it in terms of respect and value. Do ignorant fucks like Vik deserve the money they make...IMO hell no. He is a thug and an ignorant human being to me that just happens to be benefiting from the talent he has and in some ways the lime-light he's in. Ironically, he's being used as most of them are to make others money and in turn makes money himself.


Congrats to him for his "success" and I use that term loosely. He's not really "earned" anything in my eyes and is nothing more than a good football player but not much else. He can buy all the fancy clothes and cars and homes he likes, but it doesn't make him "successful" in the manner in which I would define success. He lacks the respect from his peers and community that a truly successful person earns. I equate him to the stereotypical MTV video thugs surrounding themselves with girls, cars, jewelery and acting like they own the earth. Wake up Vik...you're a talented ball player that gets paid to do his thing. I'm sure the world will remember your legacy when you pass :rolleyes:

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I wouldn't say poorly educated either, they have had more schooling than me, they went to college, some have degrees and some don't, but they had to be eligible, so they had to take classes.


Degrees earned don't make one educated. You have to know how many of them are basically pushed through school and helped to graduate and tutored like crazy just to qualify to play in order to get them. Ray Smalls comes to mind this year.


It wasn't but a few years ago when the news stories hit about claims by several former Ohio State football players that tutors wrote papers for them and fans arranged easy jobs. OSU wasn't found at fault since they didn't sanction or arrange the help :rolleyes:


They know what is right and wrong. It's poor choices in life, bottom line. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.


I agree...they lack the education to make informed decisions. Ball players with money are still just plain old ball players. Some are good, smart and move on to be successful businessmen, but many are not.


Straight on topic, I don't feel he should be allowed to play because I think it's time this country begins to put forth a bit more than just ticket sales and money in terms of measuring success within professional sports. Look at baseball and all the drug situations there. IMO it really takes away from the pure enjoyment of the sport knowing that the players are basically fakes. Same here, there are way too many other talented guys to take Vik's place. Comments here support the fact that many are benched or played wrongly in school, but they are out there.


Send Vik the message that we don't need nor want to see his Convik ass on the field. I'd rather watch a real ball player vs him. Someone that I can respect for both talent and intelligence.

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I'll take back my thug comment and just plain call a large number of them poorly educated, very good football players who are paid a lot of money. By definition they are ignorant and thus is why so many can't manage money and make good decisions, thus leading to broken homes and bankruptcy.


Are all the ceo's with college degrees that are filing bankruptcy (due to the economy) poorly educated and ignorant? How about the dentist my wife used to work for that had to close his practice because the dental industry is feeling the effects of the economy as well... Is this Doctor also a poorly educated individual? Being able to run fast and catch doesnt automatically make you poorly educated. Not being able to manage money only means you are poorly educated in money management. This ties these players into a huge percentage of americans in debt due to spending more than what they have. Stupid people have great marriages, just as divorces are caused for way too many reasons for you to try and tie them solely into ones educational background. Trying to say they are more likely to get a divorce because they can run faster than you is actually kind of funny. Now the ones that got skipped through classes could have ethical issues that follow them their entire life... but not all athletes are cheaters.

Edited by V8 Beast
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