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please excuse me while i RANT....


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So i just finished up my 6 mos course to be a personal trainer. This is not your typical buy a course off line. Study it at home, go to a location and take the test. This is go to school for 8 hours a day for 6 mos.


I have more knowledge than everyone of the trainers at my job and the other gym i train at yet i can not find a job to save my life. No i have no experience working at a gym as a personal trainer. MY BODY IS MY EXPERIENCE YOU DUMB FUCKS. LOOK at me im in better shape, bigger and stronger than everyone of your trainers. Its funny when your trainers are aking me for pointers and what they should do or if one of their clients is stuck and they have no idea what to do....who do they come to?? ME!! I am so fed up with everyone wanting my help yet noone will give me a job.



end rant...

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Post an ad on Craig's list for your services. Make sure to include a Full Body rub down with each session. The phone will be ringing off the hook with guys that want you.


LMAO.... Ya im at that point of im just going to go independent.

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I have been told that alot of clients do not want someone who looks like a bodybuilder. It is intimidating and alot of elderly people and females do not like to be trained by people with actual size. This to me is discrimination, its my body that is the way i choose to look. I will not train you as a bodybuilder/powerlifter unless otherwise told. I know all you want to do is loose some weight, tone up your arms,midsection, your inner thighs and lift your butt.
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So i just finished up my 6 mos course to be a personal trainer. This is not your typical buy a course off line. Study it at home, go to a location and take the test. This is go to school for 8 hours a day for 6 mos.


I have more knowledge than everyone of the trainers at my job and the other gym i train at yet i can not find a job to save my life. No i have no experience working at a gym as a personal trainer. MY BODY IS MY EXPERIENCE YOU DUMB FUCKS. LOOK at me im in better shape, bigger and stronger than everyone of your trainers. Its funny when your trainers are aking me for pointers and what they should do or if one of their clients is stuck and they have no idea what to do....who do they come to?? ME!! I am so fed up with everyone wanting my help yet noone will give me a job.


end rant...


Have you asked what the key attributes they are looking for in a trainer? Not what you think or know, but point-blank ask the decision makers and see what they say. Obviously there's something to their decision.


Knowledge is power, but in reality, experience is worth just as much and more in many cases. I get lots of books smart people, especially in today's economy, but none have the real world savvy that comes with experience. Different industry of course, but every industry is flooded with book smart people and with so many candidates, companies are holding out for the exact perfect match for their needs. Workd related experience, previous clients that may come with them and real world experience of just plain being older and around longer will factor in.


Please don't take my comments wrong. Just posing a different point of view. Don't be bashful. Find out what's missing; or more importantly, what's needed.

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Have you asked what the key attributes they are looking for in a trainer? Not what you think or know, but point-blank ask the decision makers and see what they say. Obviously there's something to their decision.


Knowledge is power, but in reality, experience is worth just as much and more in many cases. I get lots of books smart people, especially in today's economy, but none have the real world savvy that comes with experience. Different industry of course, but every industry is flooded with book smart people and with so many candidates, companies are holding out for the exact perfect match for their needs. Workd related experience, previous clients that may come with them and real world experience of just plain being older and around longer will factor in.


Please don't take my comments wrong. Just posing a different point of view. Don't be bashful. Find out what's missing; or more importantly, what's needed.

This man speaks the truth. Rare is it that anyway is they way the perceive themselves to be. Do you know how many guys swear up and down are better than I was at my job at my peak? They would tell me boss how they deserved my pay range and the boss always put us head to head. I won free lunches for playing. But it never failed they swear they were as good if not better even when the proof was in front of them. I bring this up because, are you as good as you say or are you not looking at yourself correctly?

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I'd say go independent. If I didn't *really* like my trainer so much, someone with your skills sounds like a perfect fit for me. If you can market yourself, there are a lot of guys (and some girls) looking for a bodybuilder. IMO, at the YMCA downtown where I go, we don't have enough trainers that are bodybuilders. But like you said, in a place like that I'm definitely in the minority. My wife trains there too and she would be hesitant to have a bodybuilder trainer.


And yea, post a pic. No homo. Okay, well maybe a little homo. No seriously, I'd enjoy seeing how you look.

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This an example of why getting a degree/cert in an area doesn't exactly gaurantee you a job. A lot of people have the misconception that as soon as they graduate or get some kind of cert they're almost instantly placed into a job, but that's not always true. Yes, it can open more doors for someone, but if you haven't noticed, the general employer seems to be looking for real-world experience anymore.
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This an example of why getting a degree/cert in an area doesn't exactly gaurantee you a job. A lot of people have the misconception that as soon as they graduate or get some kind of cert they're almost instantly placed into a job, but that's not always true. Yes, it can open more doors for someone, but if you haven't noticed, the general employer seems to be looking for real-world experience anymore.


I've said it for years, it's who you know, not what you know. It's going to be that way for quite some time too. Even if the economy begins to turn, companies are not going to staff back up for a while.

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Sam im not getting into this with you.....people have their own opinions on what body type they like. I personally want to be 220-230lbs....


I had a job lined up at urban active, i was taking two trainers positions. Well i go through the interveiw process and come to find they do not accept my cert. I paid ALOT of money for my certification and do not want to take the ISSA because urban has a contract with them...

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