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Friends Svt Contour on Passtime


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Wheel hop Like A Sob Plus he said he was real nervous its really a high 11 second car
Sucky 14.92 pass


High 11second car.. yet he ran almost a 15.




Even with wheel hop an missing a gear bhe should of ran in the 13s... proof its an 11second car?


Dam that wouuld be embaressing.

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High 11second car.. yet he ran almost a 15.


Even with wheel hop an missing a gear bhe should of ran in the 13s... proof its an 11second car?


Dam that wouuld be embaressing.


That's exactly what I was thinking. :confused:


Hell, I don't think I'd run that slow if I stalled and restarted it during a run :p

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yea, im gonna have to agree with everyone else, high 11's my ass. i mean i know missing gears and what not hurts your time, but not that bad. hell back when i ran my car on street tires and i would launch and have to let out a few times before i got traction, but i still trapped some what near the same mph as on a good run, and 99 mph is no where near 11's.
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Lame. There are people into all kinds of cars, but a fucking contour? Ooooooo, SRT and GM Performance better watch out for the gay uber slow SVT.


I should say that its cool that he got on TV.


TRUST ME ide be geeked to get on tv... but to run almost a 15 i wouldnt even of wasted ym time... heck with ide barely waste my time with a 12 seconid whip

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Wow what’s the point of hiving a 400 WHP car if you can't drive for shit? Not only does he not know how to ease into the throttle off the line, but he can't even shift. :nono: all that money and time spent to hit 14’s in a Contour! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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