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Why in the hell does the President want to talk to my kids?

V8 Beast

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I'll bite.... and you knew I would. You believe that the Bible is an accurate historical document.


Point made.






Off topic. We are talking about American history. Nice try... go ride the pine.:p

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I did not post a broad range opinion, I posted facts about history. Your opinions are broad. I am not crying about slavery but it relates to your previous post and is a very valid part of our history. I thought your discussions were "history" based.


Citizens have not lost the right to bear arms. You can own firearms. Concealed carry permits are beneficial and designed, not to limit law abiding citizens from carrying but permit felons and untrained people from carrying them legally.


You haven't lost freedom of speech. If you want to make statements that are regarded as hate speeches, that is your right to. Just because people give your speech a label doesn't take your right away. I'm sure there is a group of people who will praise you for the same speech.


I own a business and I can hire whomever I want. I am not required to participate in affirmative action. I am a woman and without affirmative action I may not have been able to achieve some of the things I have achieved.


This discussion could go on forever. I happen to think political debates can be really healthy thing as long as they aren't opinion based but based on facts.

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I did not post a broad range opinion, I posted facts about history. Your opinions are broad. I am not crying about slavery but it relates to your previous post and is a very valid part of our history. I thought your discussions were "history" based.


Citizens have not lost the right to bear arms. You can own firearms. Concealed carry permits are beneficial and designed, not to limit law abiding citizens from carrying but permit felons and untrained people from carrying them legally.


You haven't lost freedom of speech. If you want to make statements that are regarded as hate speeches, that is your right to. Just because people give your speech a label doesn't take your right away. I'm sure there is a group of people who will praise you for the same speech.


I own a business and I can hire whomever I want. I am not required to participate in affirmative action. I am a woman and without affirmative action I may not have been able to achieve some of the things I have achieved.


This discussion could go on forever. I happen to think political debates can be really healthy thing as long as they aren't opinion based but based on facts.


You posted few facts, specifically few relevant facts. Sure, we have the right to carry a gun, but like Rick said it is required that a license be had for it now. The point is, a lot of our freedoms are there in some form or another, but they are so highly regulated now by the government that essentially they are not 100% freedoms.

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I did not post a broad range opinion, I posted facts about history. Your opinions are broad. I am not crying about slavery but it relates to your previous post and is a very valid part of our history. I thought your discussions were "history" based.

I did not say it was not valid, but to say "we" have not lost freedoms based upon slavery is a little on the naive side.

Citizens have not lost the right to bear arms. You can own firearms. Concealed carry permits are beneficial and designed, not to limit law abiding citizens from carrying but permit felons and untrained people from carrying them legally.

I think I am going to go buy a truck load of AK-47 tomorrow. Do you think uncle same will let me do that? My house will end up like the little place in Waco Texas that went up in flames. Or my wife may end up like Mrs. Weaver.

You haven't lost freedom of speech. If you want to make statements that are regarded as hate speeches, that is your right to. Just because people give your speech a label doesn't take your right away. I'm sure there is a group of people who will praise you for the same speech.

HR 1913

I own a business and I can hire whomever I want. I am not required to participate in affirmative action. I am a woman and without affirmative action I may not have been able to achieve some of the things I have achieved.

You can hire who you want because you have a small business. Go apply for a government job and see if your race or gender becomes a factor. A good example are women fire fighters. Back in the 80's there was a big stink over this because the powers that be decided to lower the standard to be a fire fighter so women can get in those positions. When your fighting a fire you need to be able to do the job no matter your gender or race. I hope I don't die in a fire because the person who came to rescue me got the job on lower physical standards.


Of course if you grow your business to the point you catch the attention of Jesse Jackson he may show up at your door step telling you to hire more minorities or a law suit is coming. In the past Jesse has just taken the pay outs from the companies in the form of board positions or beer distributorship for his son to leave them alone.


We will have to disagree on this one.

Edited by HAOLE
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V8KILR, it seems you have an answer for everthing, so maybe you should get off the keyboard, and go run for office. Or better yet go hide in the basement with some firearms and wait for our new socialistic/communistic govt. come take you away. One more thing dont ever compare your Irish history to my African history, they will never be close to being equal.
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V8KILR, it seems you have an answer for everthing, so maybe you should get off the keyboard, and go run for office. Or better yet go hide in the basement with some firearms and wait for our new socialistic/communistic govt. come take you away. One more thing don't ever compare your Irish history to my African history, they will never be close to being equal.


That is one of the main social hindrances of the black population. You have people that are stuck in the mindset that something that happened 150+ years ago is holding them back today. Sounds like you might have a touch of that. Nearly every population has been in bondage at one time or another, but most have moved on. My point in the comparison was not to say the Irish had it as bad as Africans that were enslaved, but the Irish today don't blame the past for today's issues.


The dems have played on the history of the black population offering "help" through social and entitlement programs that have hindered progress and foster dependence on the government by minorities in my opinion. Until the minority population sees that, they will always look to the government to right the wrongs of the past by taking from others to give to them.


I will sit back now and await the "your not black so you cant comment speech."

Edited by HAOLE
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That is one of the main social hindrances of the black population. You have people that are stuck in the mindset that something that happened 150+ years ago is holding them back today. Sounds like you might have a touch of that. Nearly every population has been in bondage at one time or another, but most have moved on. My point in the comparison was not to say the Irish had it as bad as Africans that were enslaved, but the Irish today don't blame the past for today's issues.


The dems have played on the history of the black population offering "help" through social and entitlement programs that have hindered progress and foster dependence on the government by minorities in my opinion. Until the minority population sees that, they will always look to the government to right the wrongs of the past by taking from others to give to them.


I will sit back now and await the "your not black so you cant comment speech."


Also Rick, most democrats and liberals ignore the fact that it was the republicans who pushed for the Civil Rights Acts in the 50s and 60s. You won't find that in many history books; the GOP was known as the party for the blacks in those times. Martin Luther King Jr. was arguably a conservative Republican. I guess this can all be somewhat relative to the healthcare debate. ;)

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Also Rick, most democrats and liberals ignore the fact that it was the republicans who pushed for the Civil Rights Acts in the 50s and 60s. You won't find that in many history books; the GOP was known as the party for the blacks in those times. Martin Luther King Jr. was arguably a conservative Republican. I guess this can all be somewhat relative to the healthcare debate. ;)


I was going to go there but I ran out of time.

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We need to stop with the labels. Ultimately the republicans and democrats are both upper class citizens that act like they want to help people to put them in a position to fullfill their over powering need to be control freaks. The government year by year is taking more and more steps into the grave they are digging. It doesnt matter if it's a Republican or Democrat in the white house.. the end result is always a more fucked up America.
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We need to stop with the labels. Ultimately the republicans and democrats are both upper class citizens that act like they want to help people to put them in a position to fullfill their over powering need to be control freaks. The government year by year is taking more and more steps into the grave they are digging. It doesnt matter if it's a Republican or Democrat in the white house.. the end result is always a more fucked up America.


I agree

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That is one of the main social hindrances of the black population. You have people that are stuck in the mindset that something that happened 150+ years ago is holding them back today. Sounds like you might have a touch of that. Nearly every population has been in bondage at one time or another, but most have moved on. My point in the comparison was not to say the Irish had it as bad as Africans that were enslaved, but the Irish today don't blame the past for today's issues.


The dems have played on the history of the black population offering "help" through social and entitlement programs that have hindered progress and foster dependence on the government by minorities in my opinion. Until the minority population sees that, they will always look to the government to right the wrongs of the past by taking from others to give to them.


I will sit back now and await the "your not black so you cant comment speech."


I am black, (and Mexican)so yes I can comment, and I dont have a "touch" of anything except the history of this country. I dont blame the people of today for the actions of people 100 yeras ago either. I do think however I'm entitled to have a attitude when I can go through certain sections of THIS city and hear "Nig*er lover" shouted out to me and my group of "white" friends walking down the fucking street. 150 years ago? Try last month, and no, I dont let things like this "Hold me back" either. It's kinda hard to "Move on" like you say, when SOME people will not allow it.

If you want to turn this into a race argument, fine, lets do it.

At this point in my life I could care less about how many laws have been passed in a 100 years that "limit" my freedoms. If YOU dont like this country, leave, no ones making you stay.

So what you went to mostly black school and had a hard time, I'm sure that today in 2009, being given a hard time because your white its not that big of a problem.

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Nietzsche observed "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently. "


also, who remembers where Fmr President Bush was at 0830 on Sept. 11, 2001?


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I am black, (and Mexican)so yes I can comment, and I dont have a "touch" of anything except the history of this country. I dont blame the people of today for the actions of people 100 yeras ago either. I do think however I'm entitled to have a attitude when I can go through certain sections of THIS city and hear "Nig*er lover" shouted out to me and my group of "white" friends walking down the fucking street. 150 years ago? Try last month, and no, I dont let things like this "Hold me back" either. It's kinda hard to "Move on" like you say, when SOME people will not allow it.

If you want to turn this into a race argument, fine, lets do it.

At this point in my life I could care less about how many laws have been passed in a 100 years that "limit" my freedoms. If YOU dont like this country, leave, no ones making you stay.

So what you went to mostly black school and had a hard time, I'm sure that today in 2009, being given a hard time because your white its not that big of a problem.

Thank you for proving my point. The chip on your shoulder is very large. It is sad to hear people say "someone is keeping me down". No one holds you back but yourself.


Although I do not like our president, not because of his color, but his views, what he achieved is great. He did not let someone hold him back. Obama grew up in Hawaii, I am not sure if you have spent much time there or not, being a black man in Hawaii is rough. I lived there and worked construction with locals they don't have many kind words for haoles or blacks. I am sure he had people call him everything you have been called. It does not seem that hindered his ambition.


You have two choices in life, knuckle under and realize life is not fair, or sit there in a pitty party. In no way am I saying it is ok to degrade or limit someone because of their color. I believe that every should be equal. I don't think that reverse discrimination is right. Two wrongs never make a right.


Being white in a majority black school sucked, but I don't sit here and cry poor me. I was threatened, got in many fights, been robbed, had guns pulled on me because I was white. In the end I got on with life and put things behind me. No crying the blues for me. Never in my life have I blamed a failure on someone else.


Do you think it is any easier for a white guy to go to 18th and Oak? I bet I would get funny looks and I am sure someone would say something to me about being white. It has happened to me in the past at that corner. Racism is a two way street.


I hope someday you will start caring about the freedoms you are losing. Because it will effect you. History will repeat itself.


"First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me."- Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
Edited by HAOLE
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Thank you for proving my point. The chip on your shoulder is very large. It is sad to hear people say "someone is keeping me down". No one holds you back but yourself.


Although I do not like our president, not because of his color, but his views, what he achieved is great. He did not let someone hold him back. Obama grew up in Hawaii, I am not sure if you have spent much time there or not, being a black man in Hawaii is rough. I lived there and worked construction with locals they don't have many kind words for haoles or blacks. I am sure he had people call him everything you have been called. It does not seem that hindered his ambition.


You have two choices in life, knuckle under and realize life is not fair, or sit there in a pitty party. In no way am I saying it is ok to degrade or limit someone because of their color. I believe that every should be equal. I don't think that reverse discrimination is right. Two wrongs never make a right.


Being white in a majority black school sucked, but I don't sit here and cry poor me. I was threatened, got in many fights, been robbed, had guns pulled on me because I was white. In the end I got on with life and put things behind me. No crying the blues for me. Never in my life have I blamed a failure on someone else.


Do you think it is any easier for a white guy to go to 18th and Oak? I bet I would get funny looks and I am sure someone would say something to me about being white. It has happened to me in the past at that corner. Racism is a two way street.


I hope someday you will start caring about the freedoms you are losing. Because it will effect you. History will repeat itself.



I dont see how I proved any point you made, you made a comment about your life, I made one about mine. I have no chip on my shoulder about anything, sorry you see it that way.

Racist assholes do not affect me in any other way than the fact that I feel sorry for them and the way they were apparently raised. I do see VERY clearly now why you feel the way you do. You got pushed around on a bad side of town, sorry for you, I see the bad experiences of your life have followed you, and colored your perception of this country in general.

Being black in Hawaii???? WTF does that have to do with anything? Your reaching now.

Two more things, I dont knuckle under for a dam thing, and never will.

Pitty party, from your last post it seems to me that your the one who needs it.

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I dont see how I proved any point you made, you made a comment about your life, I made one about mine. I have no chip on my shoulder about anything, sorry you see it that way.

Racist assholes do not affect me in any other way than the fact that I feel sorry for them and the way they were apparently raised. I do see VERY clearly now why you feel the way you do. You got pushed around on a bad side of town, sorry for you, I see the bad experiences of your life have followed you, and colored your perception of this country in general.

Being black in Hawaii???? WTF does that have to do with anything? Your reaching now.

Two more things, I dont knuckle under for a dam thing, and never will.

Pitty party, from your last post it seems to me that your the one who needs it.


It is obvious you dont knuckle under you are still holding on to what happened 150 years ago. Get over it. :cry:


I don't need a pitty party I have done well and don't let others hold me back. "The man" never held me down. He never will, I make my own way and always will.


Actually I am grateful that I grew up in a rough section. It opened my eyes to the world and made a me a tougher kid. Did not take crap from people then and still don't.


Hawaiians don't like anyone but Hawaiians. I am sure Obama did not grow up in a vacuum. He chose not to let others determine his future. A lot of lessons can be learned from him. Maybe you should study him a little more he my inspire you not to blame your issues on the past.


Well enough of this conversation, I think I am going to blame everyone for my problems and go vote for Dems so they can support me and make me dependent on them. I am tired of providing jobs in my city and paying taxes. Might as well take someone else to support me. I think I will turn in my guns too. :rolleyes:


Spread the wealth around- Barak Obama

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