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Why in the hell does the President want to talk to my kids?

V8 Beast

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I dont care what color a socialist is, I dislike them all.


All I see when I look at Obama is red.


You're reaching... Do you really think Americans would sit back and watch while something like that happened. You forget the president is only one person in a big government system that has checks and balances all over the place. It would be impossible to get enough things passed and changed for that to ever happen in 1 term in office.


What I want to know is why of all the presidents his name is mentioned with communism???? I have heard the socialist thing millions of time but with him he gets socialism and communism.... why?


Communists have been trying to take over our government since WWII, and ever since. Interesting how Moveon.org owns the Dem party right now, I'd like to know what their true intentions are.


As far as checks and balances, why do you think Clowngress is yelling at the prez saying that its bullshit that they don't get to vet his Czars like they do his cabinet members? Obama's use of those positions completely circumvents checks and balances (by his own party, no less), which is something that goes far beyond what any other president has done.


I can't wait for the day that Queen Pelosi jumps in an MMA ring with The Prez, I think I'd even pay for pay-per-view for that one.

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It must have went over your head then. From page 4:

Wilson called the president a liar about providing health care for illegals , as in for free, which this bill strictly forbids.

If illegal aliens want to buy health care, they should be able to. It will save me money from having to pay for ER visits.

If you are saying that they should not be allowed to buy healthcare then thats a different argument altogether.

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Wilson called the president a liar about providing health care for illegals , as in for free, which this bill strictly forbids.

If illegal aliens want to buy health care, they should be able to. It will save me money from having to pay for ER visits.

If you are saying that they should not be allowed to buy healthcare then thats a different argument altogether.


Illegals should have no capabilities to obtain anything that comes from the Federal government. That is my "common sense" opinion regarding HR 3200.


Now on the topic of socialized healthcare in general: it's all a political load of bullshit that democrats have been licking their chops at for years until now. I LOVED how Obama tried conveying bipartisanship last night, yet when the camera pans to Congress, obviously only one party is involved in the bill.

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So you dont want the city to pick up their trash?


And you'd like to let them die if they've been in an accident?

Maybe we can start having a panel of border control agents checking citizenship papers at ERs now. We could even call them death panels.


Terrible argument. That's not how law works.


Also, you went from defending the bill and how it prevents illegals from obtaining federal aid, to why illegals do indeed deserve federal aid.

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V8KILR, you wern't alive 100 yrs ago, so I'm not sure what freedoms your associating yourself with, and in 1909 my family had NO fredoms, and had watch over their shoulder everywhere they went, so watch out how you swing that "WE" statement around.


Mike, I guess you could consider me a liberal if you want, it dont bother me none. But we do agree on one thing, get the illegals out of this country, and I wont have to worry about paying their bills, period. Personally I'm all for an armed border, and deportation.


Copperhead, I wonder what you would have to complain about if a Dem. wasn't your president?

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According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, if the federal government provides healthcare for everyone, then constitutionally, it must be offered to illegals. He said that though democrats have said they will take measures to forbid that in the bill, it would be thrown out in the supreme court due to being unconstitutional. I'm waiting for a transcript of this interview on the net, because it was just aired on television.
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Even if he got majority of votes, Electoral College wouldnt have elected him president. I would have voted for Bob Barr if he had a snowballs chance in hell.


Then it would be a movie about how some no name won the popular vote but didnt make it into office starring Jim Carey.

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You need to read a little more. The bills do not have a mechanism to check the citizenship status. Therefore they may still get the benefits even though they are not entitled to them.

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V8KILR, you wern't alive 100 yrs ago, so I'm not sure what freedoms your associating yourself with, and in 1909 my family had NO fredoms, and had watch over their shoulder everywhere they went, so watch out how you swing that "WE" statement around.


No freedoms huh? Better watch how you say "NO". That would imply slavery that ended years before. Was there inequality? Sure! As a whole our country had less restrictions then than now. Stop for a second and think how many laws have been passed in 100 years that limit your freedoms.


I dont care what race or nationality you are, every race has been subject to persecution at one time or another. I went to a public school that was 80-90% black, I know what it is like to be not liked because of skin color.


I am Irish, do you think my people had an easy time?


Do I dwell on the past and say poor me, my ancestors had it rough? No!


BTW... you were not alive 100 years ago either so don't cry about your families freedoms that they did not have.

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We= Society


Speak for yourself, not society. Everyone has different views so it isn't correct for one person to make claims for all of society. I applaud you for being so passionate and opinionated in your political views but I think you need a serious history lesson.

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Speak for yourself, not society. Everyone has different views so it isn't correct for one person to make claims for all of society. I applaud you for being so passionate and opinionated in your political views but I think you need a serious history lesson.


Well school me how I am wrong. Give me all the details about how my knowledge of history is incorrect.


My bet is you believe what you were taught in school. Revisionist history is dangerous because you don't get the lessons taught by the people that came before us.

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Well school me how I am wrong. Give me all the details about how my knowledge of history is incorrect.


My bet is you believe what you were taught in school. Revisionist history is dangerous because you don't get the lessons taught by the people that came before us.


Although slavery was abolished by 1909, segregation wasn't abolished until 1964.


Segregation = Inequality

Inequality = Lesser Freedom


Your statement that we (society) have less freedom than in 1909 is blatant disregard for facts and shows your lack of knowledge concerning this country's history.


My education extends beyond high school and yes I have had studied beyond college history courses. What they teach just touches the surface and if you want to have an accurate understanding of this country's history than you need to have the desire to seek it out on you own. I have.

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Although slavery was abolished by 1909, segregation wasn't abolished until 1964.


Segregation = Inequality

Inequality = Lesser Freedom


Your statement that we (society) have less freedom than in 1909 is blatant disregard for facts and shows your lack of knowledge concerning this country's history.


My education extends beyond high school and yes I have had studied beyond college history courses. What they teach just touches the surface and if you want to have an accurate understanding of this country's history than you need to have the desire to seek it out on you own. I have.

So you pick one portion of history to base a broad blanket opinion. So how many people today want to cry about slavery that happened over 100 years ago? Many. Get over it. I don't dwell on my people coming here and not being able to be hired for work, get a home etc.


We have lost the freedom of speech, we can no longer speak out about issues without the possibility of it being labeled hate speech.


We have lost property rights. the government is taking property and redistributing it to private for profit companies that will give a higher tax return. we have the illusion of property ownership. We rent from the government and call it property taxes.


We have lost the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. All the government has to do is say it is in the name of national security regarding investigation of terrorism.


We have lost the right to bear arms. I have to have a license to carry concealed. Someone forgot we have a second amendment.


We have lost the basic freedom to run our lives and raise our children the way we want. The government is now dictating how we should raise our kids. Dont spank them you might be abusing them.


We have lost the right to worship the way we choose in public. We might offend someone.


We have lost Habeus Corpus.


We have lost the freedom of a free market. I now have the state telling me how I can market my office. The government is semi-dictating pricing in health care.


We have lost the freedom to have the best man or woman get the job. We call that affirmative action.


We have lost the freedom to make financial transaction with out Uncle Sam knowing about it. Make a deposit in the bank over 10k and you are automatically suspected of wrongdoing. Get stopped by the po po with 30K and see how fast it gets taken from you until you prove how you got it. We call that fighting terrorism and drugs.


We have lost the freedom to move around the country without big brother watching. When you fly Uncle Sam is watching.


We have lost the freedom to own our own labor. Slavery before the mid 1800's came in the form of forced labor and was a terrible thing. Now we have become slaves to the state in the form of taxes on the labor that we do. This was not the intention of the founding fathers. Taxing your labor impedes on your independence.


Just a few ways we have lost freedoms.

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