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Any Vets in the house?


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Yesterday me and the fiance move into our new place...finally!! Before we moved we noticed our pup (Boxer mix) had some worms, so we go buy Hartz liquid de-wormer and put it in his food. We gave him the dosage required for his weight and all that good stuff. He eats his food and everything seems a-ok. That is until we come home from watching the USC vs OSU game at a buddies house. We walk in the front door and instantly smell a horrid smell. Goto the Kitchen where his cage is at and discover quite a mess.


Now he is house broken and has never had an accident in his cage since we have owned him (9 weeks). He was at the back of his cage standing up trying to stay out of the mess, had pushed the bottom piece of the cage where he lays on to the outside of the cage. The gf opens the cage up and lets him out, he instantly goes for the backdoor so I let him out. He goes outside and just lays in the grass and doesn't want to move. I call for him a few times and he just kinda looks up at me and continues to lay there. I finally get him back in the house and notice his belly is awful warm, his eyes are pretty glossy and his breathing is hard like he's struggling through the nose. We get the cage cleaned up and put him back in there and goto bed worried he might not make it through the night.


Get up today and theres no mess in the cage which is a good thing. However there is still his bowl of water and food untouched. Not to mention the glazed eyes and heavy breathing. I let him out and he goes to the backdoor, let him out and he let loose. It was like someone turned a *****et on in his asshole. He let loose twice then went and laid down in the grass like he was purely exhausted. Get him back inside and he goes to the gf and lays on her lap and just has a blank look to him. No wagging of the tail nothing which is very uncommon for him. He then goes back to his cage and just lays there.


About 2pm some friends show up and were sitting in the living room and here comes Camber (the pup) wagging his tail, but still not acting quite righ. They leave and he goes to the backdoor again, I let him out but this time he goes to the driveway and just lays in the sun. Leave him out there for about an hour and let him back in, goes to cage instantly. However at this point he is drinking water from the gf's hand and eventually starts drinking from his bowl. Still wont eat his food though.


6 oclock a few more buddies show up and the pup is outside and runs up to my buddy and is wagging his tail. This is more common behavior for him, but then he just lays down at his feet and looks at him again.


Right now he is in his cage sleeping but still not eating. Breathing is still funny, sounds like something is blocking his nostril. My question is was it the wormer that did this, if so is that typical? If no then what else could it be?


If he isnt better by tomorrow night we will be going to the vet on Tuesday, just kinda wanting to prepare myself for the worst I guess. Sorry for long rant/story

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You can take him to the OSU small animal ER and have a student look at him for free. They will advise you if it is more serious and needs attention or if it just seems to be from the wormer.
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You can take him to the OSU small animal ER and have a student look at him for free. They will advise you if it is more serious and needs attention or if it just seems to be from the wormer.


Thanks for the heads up!!! I have been reading all night on google and it seems that Hartz is notorious for making Dogs sick. I really hope thats all it is, I love this little fucker.

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Thanks for the heads up!!! I have been reading all night on google and it seems that Hartz is notorious for making Dogs sick. I really hope thats all it is, I love this little fucker.


Yeah, and if you go in there, just complain about not having any money at all. Sometimes they try to get you to pay the exam fee anyways. Just say you don't have any money and heard you can have a student evaluate the dog for free. Basically the student would tell you if they thought it needed to come in immediately or if you can just wait to make an appt with your regular vet.


I'd have my gf respond, but she is actually on @ OSU right now.

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I am not jumping the gun it could of just been worm meds But this is what happened to both my pups. They ended up having parvo . There belly was warm and they stopped eating and drinking water. Make sure you take them to the vet, once parvo gets in the system its even hard for a vet to do anything. Make sure you clean everything with bleach even outside steps, porch ect. For a puppy to get that sick for a few days something is def not right, id rather be safe then sorry. Dont do what I did a wait it out and almost killing them. Make sure you get a water sucker then and squirt water down for him.
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Yeah I am fearing parvo, my moms Masta-Dane had to fight though that shit and it cost my mom over 800 in vet bills. Wierd thing is he was normal all day before we gave him the wormer. I really hope I don't have to put him down....he is such a badass dog that its sickening to think what I would have to go through with another pup. Honestly he is the best puppy I have seen and thats not just because he is mine. He was house broken in a day and came from an outside kennel so it wasn't previous owners doing, knows just about every command in the book. Grr....time to go check on his ass
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Well he seems to be breathing ok from what I could tell. Walked in the kitchen and could hear tail thumping on floor before I even got there lol. Water dish is half full and food is still all there.


Some of the things I know about Parvo is there will usually be blood in their shit, which in this case I haven't seen any yet. He does have some pretty foul smelling breath though...

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Well from what I could tell, not that I was out sniffing dog shit all day his poo smells like typical dog shit lol. Now he on the other hand has a foul smell. I don't know if its his breath or wtf it is. He was given a bath last night after the whole messy situation, but he sure stinks now
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Well I called a vet and they advised me to call Hartz which is the company that makes the wormer we used. Called them, sat on hold for 25 fucking minutes to finally get through. Told them the situation and they explained to me that their product is known to cause upset stomache, lathargia and the runs....gee that would be nice of them to put on the fucking box/bottle.


My mom was talking to a lady at work today and she had the same expierence I am having. She said it went away after about 3 days, so hopefully that is the case here. He seems to be a little more upbeat today.

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Well I called a vet and they advised me to call Hartz which is the company that makes the wormer we used. Called them, sat on hold for 25 fucking minutes to finally get through. Told them the situation and they explained to me that their product is known to cause upset stomache, lathargia and the runs....gee that would be nice of them to put on the fucking box/bottle.


My mom was talking to a lady at work today and she had the same expierence I am having. She said it went away after about 3 days, so hopefully that is the case here. He seems to be a little more upbeat today.


Yeah, I kinda wish I wouldn't have zoned out when my gf was explaining all the problems with the Hartz de-wormer. I do remember her saying that lots of people kill their cats with the Hartz

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Took him to the vet yesterda and found out that not only does have tape worms, he also has whip worms and has probably had the whip worms since birth. Per the vet, dogs get whip worms from the enviroment. Camber also got mites from being outside and has a secondary skin infection. The vet seems to think that the wormer we gave him had something to do with him getting sick but it wasnt all the wormer. So Camber came home with medicated shampoo, antibiotic, 3 meds for his stomach and Advantage to treat fleas. The vet stated other then this, he seems to be in good health, he weighed 30lbs when we took him in today and he lost about 7-10 lbs in the last week, so hes going to be a big boy and that him getting whip worms and mites is nothing that we did wrong, it just can happen from him being outside in the enviroment.


But hes eating dog food again, which is great too! The vet said he should be almost 100% by tomorrow, which would be awesome!!



Oh yeah the fucker is 19 weeks tomorrow and weighs 30lbs, thats after being wormed and not eating for a week

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Took him to the vet yesterda and found out that not only does have tape worms, he also has whip worms and has probably had the whip worms since birth. Per the vet, dogs get whip worms from the enviroment. Camber also got mites from being outside and has a secondary skin infection. The vet seems to think that the wormer we gave him had something to do with him getting sick but it wasnt all the wormer. So Camber came home with medicated shampoo, antibiotic, 3 meds for his stomach and Advantage to treat fleas. The vet stated other then this, he seems to be in good health, he weighed 30lbs when we took him in today and he lost about 7-10 lbs in the last week, so hes going to be a big boy and that him getting whip worms and mites is nothing that we did wrong, it just can happen from him being outside in the enviroment.


But hes eating dog food again, which is great too! The vet said he should be almost 100% by tomorrow, which would be awesome!!



Oh yeah the fucker is 19 weeks tomorrow and weighs 30lbs, thats after being wormed and not eating for a week


You may have not caused it, but it's been at least a week that you neglected to get your canine treated properly. Perhaps make a better effort next time.

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