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For all you movie downloader/burners congrats...blockbuster to close 1000 stores


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Good job on taking down a major movie retailer. Now theres more peple flooding the already saturated job market.





Keep stealing boys/girls!!

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Good job on taking down a major movie retailer. Now theres more peple flooding the already saturated job market.


Keep stealing boys/girls!!


You have got to be fucking kidding me. Like its our fault. Blockbuster charges too much when you can rent movies elsewhere for much less or netflix will bring them to my door.

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Just saying....prob wouldn't be saying that if it was your job being taken out now would you?


i work for in collections for chase bank im not worried :bangbang:


boo hoo yea it sucks people are losing there jobs but they wayyy over charge an why spend there when net flix is cheaper annn delivers not our fault they suck

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Good job on taking down a major movie retailer. Now theres more peple flooding the already saturated job market.





Keep stealing boys/girls!!


Bullshit, you know that there are plenty of cheaper competitors out there providing the same service, and in some cases doing a better job of it (Netflix streaming, etc). Don't blame downloaders for a company with an outdated business model.

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I do agree that blockbuster is over priced...netflix will just raise their prices once there is no competition


If they do, they earned it. Thats a free market at work. They go raising prices and someone else will come along with a new business model and pwn them.

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I hate bootleg movies, but I haven't rented a movie in probably 10 years. If Blockbuster is going under it's not just because of pirates, but at least partially because their business model didn't keep up with technology and how we adapted to it and incorporated it into our lives. When it comes to business, if you're slow, you get left behind.
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If Blockbuster is going under it's not just because of pirates, but at least partially because their business model didn't keep up with technology and how we adapted to it and incorporated it into our lives. When it comes to business, if you're slow, you get left behind.


Perfectly stated. Netflix came up with the concept and thus I've stuck with them rewarding the initiative. Besides, they moved the main center to Grove City, so by using them, I'm supporting local business.


IMO, they are making the right move by offering instant downloads for view on a PC and the home appliance that allows you to watch them by using their Netflix ready device. Smart move considering it won't likely be long before we're all doing something like this.


Sorry Blockbuster, but you were too late and too expensive. I tried you last week for Friday night movie night because our NetFlix selection included two R movies vs one for the kids, but after seeing it was nearly $5 for a rental....I walked out. Principle really.

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You have got to be fucking kidding me. Like its our fault. Blockbuster charges too much when you can rent movies elsewhere for much less or netflix will bring them to my door.


BB does the same thing netflix does. I've been doing it for a while now. Plain and simple people downloading shit for free all over does have a part in this. You cant argue that because its a fact.... The internet is killing blockbuster. Half the people get everything for free, the other half use netflix. Why pay for it when you can get it for free or for less than half the price. Not that its right or wrong, thats just the way the world is evolving.

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BB does the same thing netflix does. I've been doing it for a while now. Plain and simple people downloading shit for free all over does have a part in this. You cant argue that because its a fact.... The internet is killing blockbuster. Half the people get everything for free, the other half use netflix. Why pay for it when you can get it for free or for half the price. Not that its right or wrong, thats just the way the world is evolving.



BB does the same thing as NetFlix, but not nearly as well. 1.6M vs 9.6M customers......I don't think the internet plays into that one bit. It's called Branding. BB has a negative bad brand and Netflix does not. Blockbuster lost Nearly 22% last quarter vs Netflix and Redbox who reported their revenuse grew 20% and 110%, respectively. Again, I don't see illegal downloading coming into play. The competition is just plain cleaning BB's clock.



Look at the costs that BB has to cover vs Netflix. That's part II of what's causing their demise. If downloading was what was killing BB, it would be affecting Netflix the same. That said, it isn't illegal downloading. Hell, the library likely checks out more movies per week than BB does via their online service...and the library isn't nearly as current.


Redbox also is a major player. You can't argue with their history and power. Not only were they backed by the best Fast Food chain in history...McD's, they are run by the co-founder of Netflix. BB never stood a chance. Their management sucks and lacks vision. Hell, they were actually looking to buy Circuit City at one time? Talk about a fucking dumb move!! The two sinking ships thinking they could help one another.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Good job on taking down a major movie retailer. Now theres more peple flooding the already saturated job market.





Keep stealing boys/girls!!


Im sorry, but i havent downloaded a movie in probably 6 years.. Netflix is what killed them, and i appreciate the death of a thieving business, who took more money in late fees, $100 fines for VHS tapes back in the day, than they probably did in rental fees.


Blockbuster can go suck a goat.

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Im sorry, but i havent downloaded a movie in probably 6 years.. Netflix is what killed them, and i appreciate the death of a thieving business, who took more money in late fees, $100 fines for VHS tapes back in the day, than they probably did in rental fees.


Blockbuster can go suck a goat.





They didnt steal money in late fees... people returned the movies late :lol:

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It costs more to have a store to walk in to. Blockbuster tried to stay old school and it caught up with them. Hopefully they closed the stores so they could lower their prices and still survive. Think about how much netflix saves in employee salaries, electric bills, property costs, etc. Hell yes BB had to charge more, they had more bills to pay.
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