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Wanna hear a funny story?


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This story is real and it happened to a friend of a friend. It is too silly to make up.


So this guy decided to trip on shrooms without having a babysitter. Bad choice. He feels the need to walk to a bar into his trip. He comes home. Eventually his roommates get back and have no idea he is tripping. They start hearing really loud banging sounds upstairs in this guys room. He comes running down the stairs and says to his friends


"Dude you are not going to believe me. I caught a leprechaun. I knew you wouldn't believe me so I bought it home."


They thought he was lying so they go upstairs to check. The dresser is in front of the closet door and it is banging and moving around. They just think he caught an animal or something. They move the dresser and open the door and out runs a midget.


He is getting sued by the midget for kidnapping.



That is all I know of the story. The more I think about how this could happen the funnier it becomes. Srsly a guy taking a midget down the street against its will and no one called the cops or anything?

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back when i worked for a tent company in high school there was this almost midget (5'0") guy that talked funny like elmer fudd, that we tried to bag up in a tent bag and hang him up, we came close till he kick a guy in the nuts and ran off.
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