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Multicam is going to start fielding in the Afghanistan AO shortly:




Thank God, because ACU's are only worth a damn at night, and personally a horrible pattern design.

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i totally agree. The AO ACOG with the 5.56mm shroud helped protect my platoon from the IED's and the OSA with the 40mm nade tosser of those sheet heads. But when i took out my barret .50 and started raining 685 grain rounds down on thier asses they had no choice to get back in their MNCI AO and eat MRE's until i was finished going hooyah. AMIRITE?
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  Scotty2Hotty said:
ACU's were a horrible idea to begin with, but I think the Multicam will be a nice replacement IF it actually happens. I still hate the beret personally, and never have liked it.


1. Put in your packet for SFAS

2. Succeed and get selected

3. Get a green beret and decide you like the berets

4. ????

5. Profit with Xe

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  Drewhop said:
Looks like he is using a 360 controller.


Doesn't look like anything we have (controller AND eye-piece). We have XBox controllers for our Pacbots, but they still plug into an OCU and are not all that portable. Then again, our EOD program gets the left over funds from everyone else...

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  Mr. Hal said:
1. Put in your packet for SFAS

2. Succeed and get selected

3. Get a green beret and decide you like the berets

4. ????

5. Profit with Xe


My comment was directed in that situation. The Rangers, SF, and airborne guys can wear them for they earned them. On top of that the color distinctions are enough to know the difference. But Gen.Shinseki at the time deemed it necessary for the entire US Army to wear them, and personally that was a mistake. I've never earned one, had the opportunity and turned it down. So, that's why I don't enjoy wearing something that wasn't earned.

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